Los Angeles Times

How to thwart L.A.’s wire thieves

Re “6th Street Viaduct becomes ‘Ribbon of Dark’ from thefts,” June 14


While managing constructi­on of the new Metro Blue Line (now A Line) in 1989, I attended an event in Japan with then-L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley. At the event, Mayor Bradley asked me how things were going with constructi­on back home. I told him that we were having problems with constant theft of copper cables. The mayor wrote down the names of two Los Angeles Police Department leaders on a piece of paper and told me to speak with them when I returned home.

At the LAPD, I explained the problem and was instructed to bring photograph­s of the kinds of items that were being stolen. Many of these items were unique to transit systems and not common to the area. The LAPD then distribute­d the photograph­s to every scrap dealer in the area (and there were many), advising them that these were stolen goods.

Also, they suggested that we heavily coat these copper cables with axle grease. They were confident that even simple measures like this would help deter thieves.

So that’s what we did, and these measures were 100% successful. L.A.’s first modern rail transit line opened right on schedule on July 14, 1990.

Today, as the person who was the principal in charge for the design of the 6th Street Viaduct, I cannot help but think about what kinds of simple, practical, low-cost measures might be available to help get this new landmark glowing again. As Mayor Bradley well understood, it’s always about asking the right questions and getting the right people involved in solving the problem.


It is so depressing to read about the blatant theft of valuable copper wire from the beautiful new viaduct.

This would not be happening at all if aluminum conductor were used instead of copper. Aluminum works fine as long as its design requiremen­ts are met. Copper can carry about twice the load for a given size, so conduit and pull boxes need to be larger for aluminum wiring.

There are many kinds of locking devices for electrical pull boxes. Electricia­ns don’t like them because they require special tools and take time to lock and unlock — but they work if properly maintained.

The fact that some of these thefts have taken place in broad daylight is a sad reflection on police patrol frequency and the fact that officers are too busy dealing with homeless encampment­s, street takeovers and other theft.

To passersby, the thieves might look like legitimate workers.

Of course, what typical person on the street is going to call the cops for something like that?

So, let’s stop putting precious metal in the street when the job can be done with less costly material.


Westlake Village

 ?? BRIAN VAN DER BRUG Los Angeles Times ?? TWO ARCHES of the 6th Street Viaduct were darkened in December after thieves stole their copper wires.
BRIAN VAN DER BRUG Los Angeles Times TWO ARCHES of the 6th Street Viaduct were darkened in December after thieves stole their copper wires.

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