Los Angeles Times

The Times seeks records in DWP scandal

Consumer group joins newspaper in asking federal court to unseal 33 documents in case.

- By Dakota Smith

The Times and Consumer Watchdog has asked a federal court to unseal evidence related to the criminal investigat­ion of former City Atty. Mike Feuer’s office and the Department of Water and Power.

The Times and the consumer advocacy group filed an applicatio­n Wednesday seeking to make public 33 search warrants, affidavits and other documents in the government’s case.

Jerry Flanagan, legal director for Consumer Watchdog, said the law clearly states the public has a right to documents when a government criminal investigat­ion has finished.

Flanagan said the documents will shed more light on the scandal, called an “incredibly sordid affair” last year by U.S. District Judge Stanley Blumenfeld Jr., who is overseeing the criminal case.

The applicatio­n, filed by The Times and Consumer Watchdog in the U.S. District Court’s Central District, also states the public has a right to know “whether or not Mr. Feuer bears culpabilit­y for the scandal.” Feuer, the former city attorney, is running for the 30th Congressio­nal District seat being vacated by Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank). Feuer is among the top fundraiser­s in the race.

Prosecutor­s last year confirmed that their probe into illicit city contracts and a sham lawsuit involving the DWP was over.

Four people, including three top city employees, pleaded guilty to various crimes in a scandal centered around a 2015 class-action lawsuit filed by DWP customers.

Prosecutor­s said that an attorney working for Feuer’s office wrote the lawsuit and then handed it to an opposing attorney, who filed it against the city.

The goal was to quickly settle numerous claims filed by DWP customers, who were grossly overcharge­d by a new billing system, prosecutor­s said.

Several individual­s, who go unnamed in prosecutor­s’ court documents, were alleged to have known about or taken part in various schemes but weren’t charged.

More questions were raised when onetime attorney Paul Paradis, who ghost-wrote the lawsuit filed against the city and admitted taking a kickback, told a federal judge in November that an FBI agent testified in two affidavits that Feuer perjured himself before a federal grand jury. Feuer also made false statements to the FBI, Paradis said.

Feuer has long denied wrongdoing. Reached Wednesday, Feuer pointed to the letter that he was sent in 2022 by the U.S. attorney’s office that said he wasn’t being investigat­ed.

“That letter continues to speak for itself,” said Feuer, who declined to say whether he supports unsealing the documents.

The applicatio­n filed by The Times and Consumer Watchdog also says the documents are “essential” to “monitor the charging decisions” of the U.S. attorney’s office.

“The public has a strong interest in assessing why prosecutor­s made the limited charging decisions they did,” the applicatio­n says, “particular­ly where those decisions were made about highly influentia­l and powerful public officials who were not charged, while lower ranking officials were charged.”

Attorneys for the two entities began meeting with the U.S. attorney’s office in January to discuss access to the documents.

The process was still underway last week, but “unfortunat­ely, we were not able to reach an agreement,” Flanagan said.

Thom Mrozek, a spokespers­on for the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles, declined to comment.

Mrozek told The Times last year that prosecutor­s didn’t pursue additional criminal charges in the case when the “evidence did not establish every element of a federal offense beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Paradis supports unsealing the documents, his attorneys said Thursday.

 ?? Michael Blackshire Los Angeles Times ?? FORMER CITY ATTY. Mike Feuer, shown at a debate this month as he runs for Congress, has denied wrongdoing by his office in the DWP billing scandal.
Michael Blackshire Los Angeles Times FORMER CITY ATTY. Mike Feuer, shown at a debate this month as he runs for Congress, has denied wrongdoing by his office in the DWP billing scandal.

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