Lebanon Daily News

Gap police arrest man accused of beheading father

- Matthew Toth

A Bucks County man was arrested inside Fort Indiantown Gap late Tuesday evening after police say he severed his father’s head and posted it on YouTube. Officials said he jumped the fence at the large military facility and was armed when taken into custody.

Justin Mohn, 32, of Levittown, was charged Wednesday in the death of his 68-year-old father, Michael Mohn, whose decapitate­d body was found in a bathroom of his Middletown home at around 7 p.m.

The Fort Indiantown Gap Police Department was contacted by Bucks County authoritie­s Tuesday night, alerting them that they had pinged Mohn’s cellphone in the area. Angela Watson, communicat­ions director for the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, said officers found his vehicle outside one of the fences.

“We were contacted again with another ping on his cellphone that was inside the installati­on,” she said. “He had jumped one of the fences and was apprehende­d on foot here at the installati­on without incident.”

Watson added that Mohn was armed at the time of his arrest. He was being held by Gap police until Bucks County officers picked him up Wednesday morning. Police have not identified a reason why Mohn was at the installati­on as of Wednesday morning.

The installati­on is the nation’s “busiest” National Guard Training Center, according to its website.

Investigat­ion into Levittown beheading

Middletown Township Police responded to the 100 block of Upper Orchard Drive on Tuesday evening. Officers said that Michael Mohn’s wife had found the body and said Justin Mohn

and a 2009 Toyota Corolla were missing.

According to court documents, Justin Mohn allegedly used a machete and a large kitchen knife, both found in a bathtub. Police recovered the victim’s head wrapped in plastic in a large cooking pot.

Police also found rubber gloves in a second-floor bedroom, which appeared to have blood on them.

YouTube Video a ‘call to arms’

In a rant posted on YouTube on Tuesday, Justin Mohn displayed what he said was the severed head of his father and describing him as a 20-year federal employee.

“All federal agents, US Marshals, federal judges and border patrol are to be killed or captured, tortured for informatio­n and publicly executed for betraying their country,” Mohn said in the YouTube video that has since been taken down off the site. “Earn your place in heaven by sending a traitor to hell early.”

Throughout the video, Justin Mohn railed against what he described as far-left, Woke, pro-immigrant, pro-Black Lives Matter and pro-LGBTQ deep-state labor racketeers and tax-evading big tech companies influences in the federal government that he said are destroying America.

Mohn did not admit to killing his father in the video, but he called for the execution of all federal workers, claiming they have betrayed American citizens.

“The video is 14:35 in length and Justin is pictured wearing the same style clear rubber gloves observed at the crime scene,” police said in court documents. “Justin Mohn also picks up the decapitate­d head of his father Michael Mohn, identifyin­g him by name and as his father, stating ‘he is now in hell for eternity.’”

YouTube took down the video around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, after it was viewed more than 6,000 times.

Justin Mohn is charge with first-degree murder, abuse of corpse and possession of an instrument of crime with intent. He was denied bail, and is being held in the Bucks County Prison.

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