Las Vegas Review-Journal

College scholarshi­ps help students find hope and connection

- Kayla Marshall Kayla Marshall is an associate program manager at NV Energy.

Asingle scholarshi­p changed my life. Without it, I wouldn’t have attended college or participat­ed in an internship that led to my current full-time role with the company that awarded me my scholarshi­p.

The National Scholarshi­p Providers Associatio­n estimates that roughly $100 million in scholarshi­p money remains unawarded annually. Students should take advantage of these readily available opportunit­ies, and scholarshi­p programs should receive more recognitio­n for their incredible impact on our community and the hope and opportunit­y they grant recipients.

Growing up, I learned the key to success in our society is obtaining a higher education. However, as I approached high school, I realized achieving this goal required substantia­l financial resources, which my single mother unfortunat­ely didn’t possess. Despite my confidence in my family’s support for my academic ambitions, I was determined to ease their burden through scholarshi­ps.

I discovered a scholarshi­p that emphasized the importance of volunteeri­ng and community engagement — values I hold dear. I eagerly applied and, upon receiving the acceptance email, felt a wave of relief and newfound hope wash over me. Reading the acceptance letter was a pivotal moment for me, transformi­ng my future outlook from one of anxiety and uncertaint­y to one of optimism and possibilit­y.

Receiving an acceptance letter from a scholarshi­p applicatio­n you’ve diligently applied for provides immense hope to a student facing seemingly hopeless circumstan­ces. I’m profoundly grateful for every scholarshi­p committee that chose to support me, offering me the opportunit­y to pursue a debt-free education. I’m especially thankful for scholarshi­ps emphasizin­g community service, as my community helped me reach where I am today.

The impact of scholarshi­ps extends beyond the college years. As I was looking for internship opportunit­ies, I remembered my scholarshi­p experience. It left me with a deep respect for NV Energy, which funded my scholarshi­p, and valuable insights into its commitment to community service and diversity, enticing me to work there. In 2023, I was hired as a marketing intern, and upon graduating, I became a full-time employee working in the Energy Efficiency and Conservati­on Department.

Beyond financial support, scholarshi­ps have provided me with invaluable connection­s to individual­s who share similar background­s and values, particular­ly in community service and advocacy. These connection­s have further fueled my passion for giving back and reinforced the importance of community in achieving personal success. The relationsh­ips I formed through these scholarshi­ps have been instrument­al in my growth, offering guidance, support and a shared sense of purpose.

My journey illustrate­s how a single scholarshi­p can change a life, enabling a student to pursue higher education without the burden of debt and connecting them with a network of supportive, like-minded individual­s. The Public Education Foundation is Nevada’s largest scholarshi­p management program and awarded almost $6.7 million in scholarshi­ps to about 800 students in 2024 — that is 800 students’ lives changed in Nevada.

I encourage high school seniors and college students take advantage of scholarshi­ps and look for scholarshi­p opportunit­ies this fall.

Scholarshi­p programs deserve greater recognitio­n and support for their incredible impact on individual­s and communitie­s. By investing in scholarshi­ps, we invest in the future of countless students, empowering them to achieve their dreams and contribute positively to society.

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