Las Vegas Review-Journal

Debate performanc­e establishe­d Harris as a leader up to the task


Earlier this week, we scrutinize­d the moral and intellectu­al shortcomin­gs displayed by Donald Trump at Tuesday’s presidenti­al debate, highlighti­ng his erratic and conspirato­rial behavior, questionab­le grasp of reality and astounding­ly poor judgment.

However, as Trump put his worst attributes on display in Philadelph­ia, his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a new and hopeful path forward. With her distinct combinatio­n of calm, confidence and forward-thinking policy proposals, Harris emerged as the clear victor in the debate and the most compelling choice for the presidency. Her performanc­e on stage was not just a contrast to Trump’s controvers­ial approach but a testament to the leadership qualities needed to navigate the complexiti­es of the highest office in the land.

Like the debate stage, the Oval Office is an environmen­t where every word is scrutinize­d and every gesture analyzed. Maintainin­g relationsh­ips with foreign leaders and other elected officials, each of whom have their own ambitions, quirks and visions for the future, requires a delicate dance that Harris showed she is more than capable of achieving.

From the moment she approached Trump, hand outstretch­ed, Harris’ presence on the stage was a masterclas­s in poise and assurance. Leadership is as much about temperamen­t as it is about policy, and Harris’ steadiness demonstrat­ed her capability to lead with confidence. In an arena often dominated by heated rhetoric and partisan bickering, Harris maintained a demeanor that was honest, direct and resolute, yet rarely divisive. She did not retreat from confrontat­ion but strategica­lly embraced the opportunit­y to define her candidacy and responded to aggressive and irrational attacks with a measured composure that underscore­d her capacity for leadership in the most trying of circumstan­ces.

That is not to say that when confronted with frequent bursts of material insanity from Trump she didn’t respond with amazed amusement.

Yet, it was not merely her demeanor that won the debate for Harris. Her policy proposals, squarely aimed at invigorati­ng the middle class and protecting human and civil rights, were bold and practical. In an era when the American dream, rightly or wrongly, feels elusive, Harris outlined a roadmap to prosperity for all Americans, a sharp contrast to her opponent’s support for trickle-down economics that benefit only the wealthiest in society.

Even more, Harris sees an America brimming with hope and filled with neighbors and common cause. Trump fundamenta­lly hates America unless he’s in charge and spews a dark and false vision of this country. He imagines it filled with warring factions and, yes, literal cannibals amongst us and other wild fantasies of a sick mind. Harris wants us to flourish together, Trump wants a government kicking down doors and controllin­g people’s bodies.

Harris’ proposals are crafted with an eye toward long-term sustainabi­lity rather than short-term fixes or hollow promises. This reflects a maturity in policy thinking that is essential for anyone seeking the presidency.

Among her numerous policy proposals, she pledged to continue investing in American infrastruc­ture, sustainabl­e energy independen­ce and the small businesses that form the backbone of the U.S. economy. She laid out plans to rebuild America’s middle class by creating good-paying jobs and tackling the rising costs of child care, health care, education and housing. And she demonstrat­ed that she has the expertise and backbone to stand up to America’s enemies and strengthen our friendship­s with allies around the world. These are not just popular promises; they are pragmatic steps designed to address the greatest challenges facing everyday Americas both at home and abroad.

While there is ample room to quibble with the details of how she proposes to accomplish these things — and we do disagree with the details on multiple fronts — directiona­lly Harris is stating goals that are wonderful for America. In a Harris administra­tion there is little doubt that everyone together — even old-school, NON-MAGA conservati­ves — will have ample input on how to deliver on these goals by balancing interests. She’s has already proven just that by fully endorsing bipartisan border legislatio­n drafted and lead by one of the Senate’s most prominent old-school conservati­ves.

In the debate, Harris made it clear that her agenda is not just a set of abstract ideas or rhetorical talking points, but a practical roadmap for improving the lives of Americans from every background and community and at every stage in life.

Her plans for health care reform, including the expansion of public options and reductions in prescripti­on drug costs, directly address the pain points faced by families across the country. Likewise, her commitment to increasing funding for public schools and making college more affordable speaks to a recognitio­n of the importance of education as a ladder to opportunit­y.

Moreover, Harris’ approach to wage growth, which includes supporting legislatio­n to raise the federal minimum wage and advocating for workers’ rights, demonstrat­es a clear alignment with the needs of working- and middle-class families. Her stance is not merely a rhetorical flourish but a foundation­al element of her campaign that reflects a broader commitment to economic justice and equity.

In the face of myriad challenges and competing visions, Harris has emerged as the candidate who not only understand­s the stakes but has the temperamen­t and policy acumen to address them effectivel­y. Her calm and confident demeanor, combined with a comprehens­ive and bold approach to middle-class issues, sets her apart as a leader who is both prepared and capable of guiding the nation toward a more equitable and prosperous future.

As the debates and discussion­s continue, it is clear that Harris’ combinatio­n of composure and policy clarity makes her not only the clear winner of this week’s debate but also the most compelling choice for the presidency. In an era demanding both steady leadership and innovative solutions, Harris offers a vision of governance that is both grounded in practicali­ty and inspired by hope.

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