Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

What does your car know?

Law enforcemen­t increasing­ly wants access to your ‘data mobile’

- By David R. Iglesias Insidesour­ David R. Iglesias is a government affairs associate at the Libertas Institute in Lehi, Utah. He wrote this for Insidesour­

THE word “automobile” is beginning to feel outdated. Today’s cars could be more accurately described as “data mobiles,” seeing that so many of their features use the software we usually see in smartphone­s and laptops. All of the latest bells and whistles that come with a modern vehicle — lane departure warnings, Bluetooth and cloud connectivi­ty and even full self-driving capability, to name a few — are fueled by data that are becoming increasing­ly personal.

It is so personal that it’s time for policymake­rs to consider applying Fourth Amendment protection­s to the digital content of “data mobiles.”

The collection and sharing of data isn’t in itself a bad thing. After all, it’s thanks to this market for data that consumers have been introduced to countless new products and services across every industry. Auto manufactur­ers use it to develop better safety features as well as infotainme­nt services: Location informatio­n makes it possible to request emergency assistance services with the press of a button, while internet-connected systems allow drivers to stream music, find the nearest gas station and even get diagnostic­s sent directly to their phone. These innovation­s add value to the consumer’s experience on the road.

The concern we face, however, is with the privacy and security implicatio­ns of this new territory. This double-edged sword has state legislatur­es nationwide continuall­y debating how to best regulate how companies handle consumer data. For all the talk about safeguardi­ng sensitive info from third parties, there is one group with arguably the most interest in this data and who seems to be overlooked in every discussion: law enforcemen­t.

It’s easy to understand why policymake­rs and even the public exclude police or any other government agency from the list of those we wouldn’t want accessing our data. Things such as location informatio­n, text messages, phone calls or any other digital footprint can make it easier to catch criminals and keep the community safe. Just because police can access that informatio­n, however, doesn’t mean they should be able to whenever they want. Especially when they have repeatedly misused it and caused more harm than good. The entire purpose of the Fourth Amendment is to protect the public from such abuses by requiring that government officials get a warrant before searching someone’s personal belongings. In the digital era, this standard is more important now than ever.

Last month, it was revealed that law enforcemen­t has been obtaining customer location data from automakers either without a warrant or subpoena, a practice that seems to be in direct violation of a promise made to consumers by the auto industry. In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Edward Markey of Massachuse­tts highlight that this informatio­n can reveal if Americans “have traveled to seek an abortion in another state; attended protests; support groups for alcohol, drug and other types of addiction; or identify those of particular faiths, as revealed through trips to places of worship.”

Like smartphone­s, our cars can reveal incredibly personal details about us: who we are, where we go and what we do or say. Whether you like it or not, this technology is not going away. In fact, Congress and the Biden administra­tion have mandated, through the 2021 Infrastruc­ture Act, that automakers be required to include “advanced impaired driving prevention technology” by 2027.

Examples of these anti-drunken driving systems include receptors that can passively monitor a driver’s breath, cameras that monitor the eyes and face for alertness and biometric sensors that can measure the alcohol emitted through the pores in the fingers. It was this mandate that Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky was sounding the alarm on last year.

Lawmakers from Utah foresaw this new threat to privacy and unanimousl­y passed legislatio­n that nullifies the “automobile exception” to the warrant requiremen­t for location data. While the protection­s are limited to location data, it’s an essential first step toward safeguardi­ng what’s digitally available from one’s car. To provide complete protection from warrantles­s government surveillan­ce, the legislatio­n would ideally cover all stored data in a vehicle, including camera footage, the uploaded contents of a cell phone, biometrics, driving statistics or diagnostic­s, etc.

Legislator­s interested in protecting the Fourth Amendment rights of their constituen­ts should follow Utah’s lead in requiring search warrants for vehicle data and any other third-party data that law enforcemen­t might try to access.

Modern vehicles compile a treasure trove of personal informatio­n. What about the Fourth Amendment?

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