La Semana

Mexico raises to seven the number of Mexican nationals killed in a crash in Mississipp­i


Mexico City, Sep - The Mexican government on Monday raised to seven the number of Mexican nationals who died over the weekend in a bus accident in Mississipp­i, United States, where four Mexicans were Grst reported dead and three injured.

“On behalf of the Government of Mexico, I extend my most sincere condolence­s to the families of the seven people of Mexican origin who unfortunat­ely died in a bus accident in Mississipp­i,” Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena posted on her social networks.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) reiterated that the Mexican Consulate in New Orleans “will provide all necessary assistance” to the victims.

The accident occurred on Saturday when a vehicle of the company Autobuses Regiomonta­nos overturned on I-20 East in Vicksburg, Mississipp­i, where seven people died, all of them Mexicans, as now congrmed.

In a statement, the SRE indicated that, according to informatio­n gathered by the authoritie­s, 43 people were traveling on the bus, including two drivers, from Atlanta, Georgia, to Dallas, Texas.

Of these, 17 were Mexican nationals.

The consular team, the Foreign Ministry said, visited the hospitals where several people are injured “to continue with the interviews and the necessary support”.

“The consulate is in contact with their families and funeral homes, and will continue to closely monitor the developmen­t of the investigat­ions into this tragic event,” the SRE assured.

This is the third road accident involving the death of Mexicans in the United States since May 14, when eight day laborers from Mexico died after a bus overturned in Florida and, four days later, six farmers died in the crash of a pickup truck in Idaho.

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