La Semana

Meta says Iranian group tried to target Trump, Biden o cials' Whatsapp accounts

- BY KATIE PAUL Reporting by Katie Paul; Editing by Daniel Wallis

Meta (META.O), opens new tab said it had identiged possible hacking attempts on the Whatsapp accounts of U.S. o#cials from the administra­tions of both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, blaming the same Iranian hacker group revealed earlier this month to have compromise­d the Trump campaign.

In a blog post, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp described the attempt as a "small cluster of likely social engineerin­g activity on Whatsapp" involving accounts posing as technical support for AOL, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.

It blocked the accounts after users reported the activity as suspicious and had not seen any evidence suggesting the targeted Whatsapp accounts had been compromise­d, it said.

Meta attributed the activity to APT42, a hacking group widely believed to be associated with an intelligen­ce division inside Iran's military that is known for placing surveillan­ce software on the mobile phones of its victims. The software enables the team to record calls, steal text messages and silently turn on cameras and microphone­s, according to researcher­s who follow the group.

It linked the group's activity to efforts to breach U.S. presidenti­al campaigns reported by Microsoft and Google earlier this month, ahead of the U.S. presidenti­al election in November.

The company's blog post did not name the individual­s targeted, saying only that the hackers "appeared to have focused on political and diplomatic o#cials, business and other public Ggures, including some associated with administra­tions of President Biden and former President Trump."

Those Ggures were based in Israel, the Palestinia­n territorie­s, Iran, the United States and the United Kingdom, it added.

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