La Semana

Legislator­s have the right to attend SBE executive sessions


OKLAHOMA CITY -Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has issued a formal opinion a#rming that state legislator­s have the right to attend executive sessions of all state agencies, boards, and commission­s. This ruling comes in response to recent incidents where legislator­s were denied access to State Board of Education (SBE) executive sessions.

The opinion was requested by State Rep. Mike Osburn following his exclusion from a recent SBE executive session. Other legislator­s have reported similar denials, though this issue appears to be isolated to the SBE, with no reports of access being denied by other state entities.

Prior to this formal opinion, Drummond's o#ce had provided informal guidance on the matter to SBE board members and their attorney, Cara Nicklas. However, this guidance was reportedly contested and disregarde­d at a subsequent SBE meeting, where three legislator­s were denied full access to the executive session.

The Attorney General emphasized that the formal opinion is binding and leaves no room for interpreta­tion or noncomplia­nce. "I will not tolerate willful violation of the law," Drummond declared. "State Board of Education members have a duty to follow the law and they are on notice that the formal opinion I have issued today is binding upon them."

The opinion clariges that under the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act, legislator­s who are members of a committee with jurisdicti­on over a state body's actions are authorized to attend its executive sessions. Importantl­y, it is the individual legislator who determines jurisdicti­on, not the state agency, board, or commission.

There are only two exceptions to this right: when the purchase or appraisal of real property is being discussed, or when the Legislatur­e or legislator is involved in litigation with the state body. In these cases, legislator­s may be excluded from the relevant portions of the executive session but are permitted to attend all other business.

This ruling reinforces the oversight role of the Legislatur­e and aims to ensure transparen­cy and accountabi­lity in state governance. It remains to be seen how this will impact future interactio­ns between legislator­s and state boards, particular­ly the State Board of Education. (La Semana)

 ?? Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond | Foto: Derrick James | CNHI Oklahoma ??
Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond | Foto: Derrick James | CNHI Oklahoma

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