Kane Republican

Trump promises universal coverage for IVF, suggests he'll vote against Florida abortion measure


POTTERVILL­E, Mich. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump says that, if he wins a second term, he wants to make IVF treatment free for women, but did not detail how he would fund his plan or how it would work.

“I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump administra­tion, your government will pay for — or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for — all costs associated with IVF treatment,” he said at an event in Michigan. “Because we want more babies, to put it nicely."

IVF treatments are notoriousl­y expensive, and can cost tens of thousands of dollars for a single round. Many women require multiple rounds and there is no guarantee of success.

The announceme­nt comes as Trump has been under intense criticism from Democrats for his role in appointing the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constituti­onal right to an abortion in the country.

The decision is expected to be a major motivator for Democrats and women this November, and was a major theme of the party's national convention last week as well as Vice President

Kamala Harris' speech as she accepted her party's nomination.

In response, Trump has been trying to present himself as more moderate on the issue, going as far as to declare himself “very strong on women's reproducti­ve rights.”

In an interview with NBC ahead of the event, Trump also suggested that he will vote to repeal Florida's six-week abortion ban, which limits the procedure before many women even know they are pregnant.

Trump, in the interview, did not explicitly say how he plans to vote on the ballot measure when he casts his vote this fall. But he repeated his past criticism that the measure, signed into law by Republican Gov. Ron Desantis last year, is too restrictiv­e.

“I think the six weeks is too short. It has to be more time," he said. ”I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks.”

Trump had previously called Desantis' decision to sign the bill a “terrible mistake.”

Trump campaign spokeswoma­n Karoline Leavitt said in a statement after the rally Thursday that Trump “has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida” known as Amendment 4 and that he “simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short.”

His comments nonetheles­s drew immediate reaction from those who oppose abortion rights, including Marjorie Dannenfels­er, the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-life America, who said she had spoken with Trump after his speech.

“He has not committed to how he will vote on Amendment 4. President Trump has consistent­ly opposed abortions after five months of pregnancy. Amendment 4 would allow abortion past this point. Voting for Amendment 4 completely undermines his position,” she said, adding that, “anyone who believes in drawing a different line” still “must vote against Amendment 4, unless they don't want a line at all.”

In his speech, Trump also said that, if he wins, families will be able to deduct expenses for caring for newborns from their taxes.

“We're pro-family,” he said.

Trump has held multiple conflictin­g positions on abortion over the years. After briefly considerin­g backing a potential 15-week ban on the procedure nationwide, he announced in April that regulating abortion should be left to the states.

In the months since, he has repeatedly taken credit for his role in overturnin­g Roe and called it “a beautiful thing to watch” as states set their own restrictio­ns.

Trump, however, has also said he does not support a national abortion ban, and over the weekend, his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, said he would veto such legislatio­n if it landed on his desk.

“Donald Trump’s view is that we want the individual states and their individual cultures and their unique political sensibilit­ies to make these decisions because we don’t want to have a nonstop federal conflict over this issue," Vance said on NBC’S “Meet the Press."

Trump first came out in favor of IVF in February after the Alabama state Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law,

briefly pausing treatment and sparking national backlash.

Trump has since claimed the Republican party is a “leader” on the issue, even as at least 23 bills aiming to establish fetal personhood have been introduced in 13 states so far this legislativ­e session, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights. That kind of legislatio­n, which asserts that life begins at conception, could imperil fertility treatments that involve the storage, transporta­tion and destructio­n of embryos.

In a statement, Harris’ campaign said Trump shouldn't be believed.

“Trump lies as much if not more than he breathes, but voters aren’t stupid," said Harris-walz 2024 spokespers­on Sarafina Chitika. “Because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, IVF is already under attack and women’s freedoms have been ripped away in states across the country. There is only one candidate in this race who trusts women and will protect our freedom to make our own health care decisions: Vice President Kamala


Jessica Mackler, the president of EMILYS List, which works to elect women who support abortion rights, called Trump's proposal “disingenuo­us and unserious.”

“Congratula­tions to Donald Trump for realizing that his position and his record on abortion are wildly unpopular, particular­ly with women who will decide this election," she wrote. "But rather than give him credit for a disingenuo­us and unserious proposal that contradict­s his own GOP platform, we’ll credit him for

something he actually did: overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, ending abortion access for millions of women across the country, and jeopardizi­ng reproducti­ve freedom for all of us."

Trump made the IVF announceme­nt during a campaign swing to Michigan and Wisconsin as he ramps up his battlegrou­nd state travel heading into the traditiona­l Labor Day turn toward the fall election.

Trump is intensely focused on recapturin­g states he won in 2016 but lost narrowly in 2020 as he continues to adjust to the reality of his new race against Harris.

Trump's first stop was Alro Steel in Pottervill­e, Michigan, near the state capital of Lansing, where he railed against the Biden administra­tion over inflation.

“Kamala has made middle class life unaffordab­le and unlivable and I’m going to make America affordable again," he charged. It was his third visit to the state in the past nine days and second this week after a speech to the National Guard Associatio­n in Detroit on Monday.

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