Kane Republican

Kane Parks Commission discusses Santilli Field, Steve Jerman Memorial, and upcoming Fall events

- By Andy Mckowan Staff Writer

KANE—THE Kane Parks Commission met on August 28, 2024, to discuss various ongoing projects and upcoming events for this fall.

The overhaul of Santilli Field in Glenwood Park was the first item discussed, and the members of the commission were pleased with how quickly and smoothly the project is going.

The contractor doing the work, Hummer Turfgrass Systems, began by spraying the field with herbicide last weekend to kill the outfield grass before its removal. They made significan­t progress over just a few days and now that the field is cleared, the surfaces are being graded.

The crew is currently working on a large drainage on the perimeter of the outfield. Borough Manager Don Payne credited the dry conditions over the last week and said, “The weather has been on their side.”

The Pennsylvan­ia Water Company is adding a service for the field so that it can be irrigated after Hummer plants new grass. The fresh grass will get about 25,000 gallons a day so it takes hold during that time.

The anticipate­d Rent. Fun game courts were discussed next. Gaming courts like corn hole, bocce, and more are coming to Evergreen Park, but the self-serve kiosks that users can rent equipment from are having a technical issue that has delayed the project. The borough is asking the company to move forward with the gaming courts for now, and install the rental kiosks at a later time when the issue is solved. More informatio­n will be provided as the project continues.

Next, Payne reported that Kane Lawn and

Garden is in the process of moving the Memorial Rock at the Steve Jerman Memorial. Once the stone is placed into its new position, the borough will complete the rest of the project.

The Kane Garden Club will also plant mums for fall at the memorial, along with the welcome signs at Kane’s five entrances.

Also relating to the Garden Club, the Parks Commission and volunteers from TAMED trail set a memorial bench

in the new pollinator garden at the Florence Newcomer Trail area in Evergreen Park. They plan on adding a second in the same area in the near future.

While on the subject of Evergreen Park, the Parks Commission reviewed the recent Bucktail Regiment Reunion where re-enactors set up a Civil War encampment in the park. The event was a success, although the wet weather during that weekend may have kept some visitors at home.

Lastly, the commission discussed two upcoming events in Evergreen Park this October. The Garden Club is holding their annual Pumpkin Walk on Oct. 11 and 12, and “A Nightmare in Evergreen”—a dark carnival themed haunted experience.

Ben Asel,the organizer of the haunted walk through Evergreen, came to the Parks Commission to speak on Wednesday. After hearing his plan, the Parks Commission unanimousl­y approved Asel’s request to host the event in the park.

Asel said the event is going to be free and take place on Oct. 25 and 26. It will feature three themed scare zones, and haunted walks between each where scare-seekers will be guided by a group of witches (The Sisters of the Northern Forest).

Asel said that they are accepting donations to help put the event on, particular­ly sheets of any kind or color. The sheets will be used for a sheet maze in the park. If you’d like to support the event by volunteeri­ng or donating, contact Ben Asel through the Facebook event listing at wwww. facebook.com/events/ 1020828772­360484.

The Parks Commission will hold their next meeting on Wednesday Sept. 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kane Borough Office at 112 Bayard St. in Kane.

 ?? Photo by Andy Mckowan ?? Pictured is the view from third base at Santilli Field, mid-way through a major renovation project that local teams will be able to play on next year.
Photo by Andy Mckowan Pictured is the view from third base at Santilli Field, mid-way through a major renovation project that local teams will be able to play on next year.

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