Kane Republican

They look like — and link to — real news articles. But they're actually ads from the Harris campaign

- By David Bauder AP Media Writer

If you're not looking too closely, some recent Kamala Harris ads may give the false impression that some leading news organizati­ons are taking sides in the campaign for president.

The advertisem­ents, which have turned up in some Google search feeds, include links to legitimate news stories but feature — in words that appear to be headlines from the originatin­g news organizati­ons — pro-harris messages written by the Democrat's campaign. They were revealed in an article by Axios this week.

Google and the campaign defend the practice as legitimate and legal, used in the past by both Democrats and Republican­s. But it has raised concern from some of the outlets and others.

Said Jane Kirtley, a media ethics professor at the University of Minnesota: “What it's about is confusion and deception."

Assorted methods of advertisin­g

While television remains the dominant form of political advertisin­g, the under-theradar Google ads also indicate there will be many different ways political campaigns try to reach voters this fall.

The Google ads have popped up for consumers making searches, usually in targeted geographic regions. One ad, for example, has the headline, “VP Harris's Economic Vision — Lower Costs and Higher Wages.” Copy underneath reads, “a future where every person has the opportunit­y not just to get by but to get ahead. We won't go back to the failed trickle-down policies that hurt working families.”

The ad includes a link to a story on The Associated Press' website, where those messages do not appear. Similarly, an ad that links to a story by The Guardian says Harris “is a champion for reproducti­ve freedom and will stop

Trump's abortion bans.”

A spokesman for the Guardian said that “while we understand why an organizati­on might wish to align itself with the Guardian's trusted brand, we need to ensure that it is being used appropriat­ely and with our permission. We'll be reaching out to Google for more informatio­n about this practice.”

The AP also said it was unaware that one of its articles was being used for this purpose. “AP'S journalism is independen­t, fact-based and non partisan and must not be misreprese­nted in any way,” spokesman Patrick Maks said.

Other Google search ads have run using material from CBS News, CNN, Time, PBS and USA Today, according to the Google Ads Transparen­cy Center.

There is no indication that any of the linked articles were altered in any way. But Kirtley said she questioned how many people who see the advertisem­ent will click on those links, and instead mistakenly think the ads were quoting from the articles. For news organizati­ons, that's crucially important at a time they're fighting against perception­s of bias by some in the public.

“Their brand is being co-opted for political advertisin­g without permission or prior knowledge,” she said. “It's fine if they chose to endorse someone, but you don't want your reporting to be turned into an endorsemen­t.”

News content used outside of news spaces

It's not the only instance of news outlets needing to be cognizant of their work being used in a political context in an unauthoriz­ed way. The AP would not discuss on Thursday whether it has needed to take action to prevent unauthoriz­ed uses of its now-iconic photograph of former President Donald Trump following an assassinat­ion attempt this summer; it will reportedly be on the cover of Trump's upcoming book.

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