Kane Republican

Pitt-bradford honored for ease of transferri­ng


BRADFORD, Pa. – The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford is one of 228 colleges and universiti­es in the nation named to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society's Transfer Honor Roll in honor of the pathways it has created to support transfer students.

The Transfer Honor Roll is decided by 40 key metrics related to the support and success of transfer students, including college cost and financial aid, campus life for transfer students, admission practices, and bachelor's degree completion.

The Transfer Honor Roll was based on analysis from the National Student Clearingho­use and on data sent through the four-year institutio­n's profile on PTK Connect, Phi Theta Kappa's online tool designed to help students find their best-fit colleges and career pathways.

Colleges completing the PTK Connect profile are given a Transfer Friendline­ss Rating. The Honor Roll is chosen from among the top 25 percent highestrat­ed colleges.

This is the fourth time Pitt-bradford has been recognized. It was the only public university in Pennsylvan­ia that was recognized.

“We are proud to recognize exceptiona­l colleges and universiti­es that go above and beyond to create accessible pathways to bachelor's degree completion for community college transfer students,” said Phi Theta Kappa President and CEO Dr. Lynn Tincher-ladner.

Phi Theta Kappa is the honor society for students at two-year colleges and universiti­es. It recognizes four-year colleges and universiti­es considered most friendly to transfer students.

Pitt-bradford provides an extensive database of courses at other universiti­es for students to find potential transfer credits. It also has specific transfer agreements with 9 community and twoyear colleges and offers merit scholarshi­p for transfer students.

“We do our very best to be transfer-friendly, knowing that students are looking to us to help them earn a Pitt degree without losing out on credits they have already earned at other colleges,” said Bob Dilks, director of transfer and nontraditi­onal student recruitmen­t. “Our goal is to make the transfer process as seamless as possible.”

For more informatio­n on transferri­ng to Pittbradfo­rd, contact Dilks at dilks@pitt.edu.

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