Kane Republican

Kane Garden Club prepares for 100th anniversar­y and Pumpkin Walk

- By Theresa Auriemmo

KANE–THE Kane Garden Club (KGC) held its monthly meeting last Thursday, with Bonnie Phillips presiding as the acting president following Janet Bard's recent decision to step down due to personal matters.

Despite her stepping down, Bard remains a member of the club. The meeting commenced with the approval of the previous meeting's minutes, read by Secretary Diane Andres. Treasurer Bonnie Drost then presented the financial report, which will be filed for audit.

The KGC is actively preparing for its centennial celebratio­n, with a particular emphasis on the forthcomin­g tea party scheduled for September. Members discussed the need for some participan­ts to find partners for the event, as some members still need to pair up. Each participan­t is responsibl­e for bringing their own china, including a teapot, milk pitcher, creamer, sugar dish, and cups and saucers for four. The tea party is scheduled to take place from 1–3 p.m., and after the public portion concludes, members will enjoy the setting themselves. Tickets for the public will go on sale after September 1.

In addition to the aforementi­oned topics, the meeting also encompasse­d discussion­s pertaining to various beautifica­tion endeavors. The club intends to undertake the planting of mums (chrysanthe­mums) within the designated project gardens after the conclusion of the Pumpkin Walk event. Furthermor­e, scarecrows will be strategica­lly placed throughout the landscape during the week immediatel­y following Labor Day. Additional­ly, mums will be planted at all Star of the Forest signage, thereby enhancing the visual aesthetics of the community as the autumn season approaches.

The focus then shifted to the Pumpkin Walk, scheduled for October 11 and 12. Although donor contributi­ons have seen a slight decrease compared to previous years, the club remains dedicated to making the event a success. The KGC is seeking volunteers to assist with various tasks, including setup on Thursday, October 10, tear-down on Sunday, October 13, and support during the event itself. This year’s Pumpkin Walk will highlight local food trucks, reinforcin­g the event's emphasis on community engagement.

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