Kane Republican

Zippo welcomes local leader to Board of Directors


BRADFORD, PA (August 16, 2024) – Mr. George Duke, Chairman of the Board for Zippo Manufactur­ing Company, is proud to announce the appointmen­t of Mr. Norm Strotman to its Board of Directors, effective immediatel­y.

“We're excited to have Norm join our Board of Directors,” said Mr. Duke. “He has a heart for our local area, solid values and big picture thinking that aligns with our company's core vision for growth while maintainin­g its American heritage. In addition, his business acumen in the ever-evolving banking industry offers a fresh perspectiv­e and a skillset that will be complement­ary to those of our existing Board members.”

For the past 14 years, Mr. Strotman has held various market lending positions with Northwest Bank, currently serving as Senior Vice

President of Middle Market Banking, with a focus on commercial & industrial accounts across New York, Pennsylvan­ia and West Virginia. In this role, Mr. Strotman assists clients to secure funding for critical assets and infrastruc­ture such as working capital, equipment, building expansions, mergers and acquisitio­ns.

Mr. Strotman is a 2008 and 2009 graduate of St. Bonaventur­e University, where he earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in the field of accounting.

Mr. Strotman also actively serves on the boards of various local government­al, membership and charitable organizati­ons, such as Care For Children, Bradford Area Alliance, Pennhills Club, Willow Creek Snowmobile Club, Inc., Beacon Light Behavioral Health, Bradford Sanitary Authority, Bradford Economic Developmen­t Corporatio­n, Kane Area Industrial Developmen­t Corporatio­n and the Pennsylvan­ia State Snowmobile Associatio­n.

“It is my distinct honor to join the Zippo Board, and to share in the experience of helping to build on the historic success of Zippo,” Mr. Strotman stated. “My family's history with Zippo dates back to 1940, starting with my grandfathe­r, who worked for Mr. Blaisdell. I'm excited to carry on that tradition and work with such a talented team.”

Mr. Strotman resides in Bradford, PA with his wife, Andrea, and three children, Owen, Aubrey and Reese.


Zippo Manufactur­ing Company is the parent company of three local subsidiari­es: Zippo, which was founded in 1932 by George G. Blaisdell in Bradford, Pennsylvan­ia, where it has since manufactur­ed over 600 million windproof lighters and maintains a diverse product line which is marketed in over 160 countries worldwide; Bradfordba­sed W.R. Case and Sons Cutlery Company, a leading American manufactur­er of wellcrafte­d knives with a brand legacy which dates back to the late 1800's; and the Wellsville, Ny-based Northern Lights Candles, a leading designer of luxury candles and artisan accessorie­s. Zippo Manufactur­ing Company also owns trademarks to the Ronson, Ronsonol and Barber Street Candles brands. For more informatio­n, visit Zippo.com.

 ?? Photo submitted ?? Mr. Norm Strotman
Photo submitted Mr. Norm Strotman

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