Kane Republican

Labelpack Automation welcomes Sharon Zampogna as new COO


BRADFORD – After an extensive search and careful considerat­ion, Labelpack Automation, Inc. (Labelpack), founded in 2001, is thrilled to announce the appointmen­t of Sharon Zampogna as their new Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Integrator effective July 1, 2024. This significan­t addition to the leadership team marks an exciting chapter in the company’s history. Sharon’s appointmen­t reflects Labelpack’ s commitment to preserving its legacy while embracing future growth opportunit­ies.

In a message to the packaging community, David Ferguson, one of the company’s founders, and President, expressed his optimism for the future. Ferguson said, “My wife, Diana Ferguson ran the company for many years as VP of Operations and is now semiretire­d. In addition, I celebrated my 69th birthday this year and I have been contemplat­ing the future of

Labelpack. While I remain deeply committed to our growth, I recognize the need to share the leadership load. My intention is not to sell the business, but rather to continue contributi­ng by nurturing the growth of Labelpack. I firmly believe that Sharon’s addition to our existing leadership team will help sustain this dream.”

Sharon Zampogna, an Indiana University of Pennsylvan­ia graduate from Kane, Pennsylvan­ia, brings experience in the label manufactur­ing business and a proven track record that aligns perfectly with Labelpack’ s labeling systems design services. Sharon has deep ties to the community Labelpack serves. She was the Vice President of Sales for Mccourt Label Company which is closely aligned with Labelpack and spent considerab­le time in purchasing, customer service, sales, and marketing roles. Sharon will bring extensive leadership experience and a deep understand­ing of navigating the industry’s ever-evolving landscape.

Labelpack hopes to build on its relationsh­ip with Mccourt Label to help grow both companies. Mccourt manufactur­es the labels while

Labelpack designs material handling systems and manufactur­es the applicatin­g equipment. “Sharon will be focusing on large labeling system projects and her relationsh­ip with Mccourt will remain key to our success” according to Mr. Ferguson.

Labelpack remains dedicated to upholding the values and traditions that have guided the company over the past two decades. The company’s core values include a passion for its products and team, continuing education, a can-do attitude, flexibilit­y, personal excellence, customer focus and being tenacious. With Sharon on board, the company is confident in its ability to preserve these values while exploring new avenues for growth and innovation.

Mr. Ferguson concluded “we are excited about the journey over the next 10 years of success and growth. Sharon’s appointmen­t is a promising step forward for our company and the community we serve.”

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