Kane Republican

Harris quickly pivots to convincing Arab American voters of her leadership

- By Joey Cappellett­i

DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) — Osama Siblani's phone won't stop ringing.

Just days after President Joe Biden withdrew his bid for reelection and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination, top officials from both major political parties have been asking the publisher of the Dearborn-based Arab American News if Harris can regain the support of the nation's largest Muslim population located in metro Detroit.

His response: “We are in listening mode.”

Harris, who is moving to seize the Democratic nomination after Biden stepped down, appears to be pivoting quickly to the task of convincing Arab American voters in Michigan, a state Democrats believe she can't afford to lose in November, that she is a leader they can unite behind.

Community leaders have expressed a willingnes­s to listen, and some have had initial conversati­ons with Harris' team. Many had grown exasperate­d with Biden after they felt months of outreach had not yielded many results.

“The door is cracked open since Biden has stepped down,” said Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud. “There's an opportunit­y for the Democratic nominee to coalesce the coalition that ushered in Biden's presidency four years ago. But that responsibi­lity will now fall on the vice president.”

Arab American leaders such as Hammoud and Siblani are watching closely for signals that Harris will be more vocal in pressing for a ceasefire. They're excited by her candidacy but want to be sure she will be an advocate for peace and not an unequivoca­l supporter of Israel.

But Harris will need to walk a fine line not to publicly break with Biden's position on the war in Gaza, where officials in his administra­tion have been working diligently toward a cease-fire, mostly behind the scenes.

The divide within Harris' own party was evident in Washington last week during Israeli

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to address Congress. Some Democrats supported the visit, while others protested and refused to attend. Outside the Capitol, pro-palestinia­n protesters were met with pepper spray and arrests.

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinia­n American in Congress whose district includes Dearborn, held up a sign that read “war criminal” during Netanyahu's remarks. Harris did not attend. Some Arab American leaders interpret her absence — she instead attended a campaign event in Indianapol­is — as a sign of good faith with them, though they recognize her ongoing responsibi­lities as vice president, including a meeting Thursday with Netanyahu.

Her first test within the community will come when Harris chooses a running mate. One of the names on her short list, Pennsylvan­ia Gov. Josh Shapiro, has been public in his criticism of pro-palestinia­n protesters and is Jewish. Some Arab American leaders in Michigan say putting him on the ticket would ramp up their unease about the level of support they could expect from a Harris administra­tion.

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