Kane Republican

Kane Day School


Reorganiza­tional meeting is set for Kane Day School. It is scheduled to be on Monday, August 19th at 6:00. The Kane Day School, a privately run, nonprofit preschool has been in existence since 1973 and is located in the basement of the Tabor Lutheran Church. The church is located at the Greeves Street-dawson Street intersecti­on. The school offers separate programs for three and four year olds. Classes for three year olds meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with both morning and afternoon classes. . Four year old classes meet Monday through Thursday. The classes for both age groups run from 9-11:30AM, and the afternoon session is from 12:30-3:00PM. (Afternoon classes are only available if morning classes are full). Special tuition is provided for families with two or more children enrolled.

The school has been privileged to have four caring, dedicated teachers teaching since opening in 1973. At that time, Mrs. Carol Carson was the teacher who took the chance of starting a preschool. Her love and knowledge of the children’s social and educationa­l needs turned this into a sound educationa­l experience for the children. Then the school was honored to have Mrs. Conny Heckman carry on the great teaching with the four year old preschoole­rs. Teaching the three year old class was Mrs. Anastasia Watts, who continues to do a great job. She works with them on many social as well as educationa­l skills. Therefore, before moving to four year old class they have a good foundation of numbers, letters, colors, and shapes along with recognitio­n of their first name and most important, how to share and get along with other children. Upon Mrs. Heckman’s

retirement, Mrs. Linda Hearst took over the four year old students. She has a great understand­ing of what the children need to be prepared for kindergart­en, having taught in the Elementary School for over 30 years. She provides a broad base for the children to build the readiness skills required for their journey to kindergart­en.

This reorganiza­tional meeting is open to any relative of children attending or planning to attend Kane Day School. New members are needed to serve on the board. And if you have not registered your child in preschool, you are welcome to attend.

If it is your intent to register your child, we want you to know that it is the policy of the Kane Day School to admit and to treat all pupils without regard to race, color, national origin, or religious creed. The same requiremen­ts for admission are applied to all and assigned within the school without regard of race, color, national origin, or religious creed. There is no distinctio­n in eligibilit­y for or in the manner providing and pupil services provided by or through the school. All facilities of the school are available without distinctio­n to all pupils, and visitors, regardless of race, color, national origin, or religious creed. All persons and organizati­ons that have occasion either to refer pupils for admission or recommend the Kane Day School are advised to do so without regard to race, color, mutational origin, or religious creed.

For those children and parents registered, Meet the Teachers is scheduled for August 22nd. Three year olds are at 6:00 and four year olds are at 6:30. Meeting is at Tabor Lutheran Church with entrance in the back on Dawson St.

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