Kane Republican

Kane Borough Council June Meeting Summary

- By Andy Mckowan Staff Writer

KANE—THE Kane Borough Council met Wednesday night for their monthly meeting. The meeting began the approval of the budget report, tax collector report, and of bills for payment. The balance left to collect from the tax collector is $151,309.74. The bills for payment totaled $134,768.95. Each was unanimousl­y approved.

Next, Borough Manager, Don Payne, reported to the council. Payne reported on his attendance of the Mckean County judicial sale, where a borough property was up for bid. Payne bid on the borough’s behalf and won.

Payne also reported on his work to estimate the cost of the 2025 Paving Project with PENNDOT Rep. Shawn Agosti.

Chief of Police Heath Boyer gave his report next, which was brief. He acknowledg­ed that he has been getting a lot of calls about speeders and people not obeying stop signs and said that he will be pushing for more tickets to combat the problem.

Street Dept. Manager, Mick O’rourke, gave his report next. The council praised his crew’s work painting lines on Fraley St. and other side streets on Tuesday. After consulting with PENNDOT, six new parking spaces were created, allowing for more parking on

Fraley St.

The council then moved on to the election of a “President Pro Tem”, who presides over the Borough meetings

in the absence of the Council President and Vice President. The position was held by Council Member Gary Shul but has been unoccupied since his passing earlier this year. Melanie Clabaugh was nominated and elected as President Pro Tem unanimousl­y.

Clabaugh requested clarificat­ion on a borough ordinance for recreation­al fires that she was asked about by a constituen­t. The borough code does allow for recreation­al fires, like a bonfire, for heat or grilling, as long as one does not burn materials that cause noxious fumes.

Next, the council voted unanimousl­y to approve several measures. They voted to authorize the applicatio­n to a USDA Community Facility Grant of $50,000 for a new

 ?? Photo by Andy Mckowan ?? The Kane Borough Council met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kane Borough Office, 112 Bayard St. in Kane.
Photo by Andy Mckowan The Kane Borough Council met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kane Borough Office, 112 Bayard St. in Kane.

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