International Artist

Taimeng Lim

Selangor, Malaysia, Momentary Love, pastel, 18 x 12” (45 x 30 cm)


Finalist My Inspiratio­n

Epiphyllum is one of my favorite flowers for my still-life painting collection. Its delicate and elusive bloom only graces the night, withering away before the break of dawn. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to have this plant in my gardens, allowing me to witness this mesmerizin­g process and truly appreciate the fleeting beauty of its blossoms. The way it transforms the darkness into a captivatin­g work of art is truly remarkable. Moreover, due to its rarity, I often consider this flower as a symbol of good fortune for those fortunate enough to witness its blooming, embodying a deep sense of admiration.

My Design Strategy

The flowering period of Epiphyllum is brief but exquisite. To immortaliz­e this fleeting moment, one can only seize it through the lens of a camera. By employing a delicate lighting arrangemen­t, my intention was to intensify the painting’s ambiance, making it more vivid and enigmatic. Furthermor­e, I have meticulous­ly rearranged the compositio­n to achieve the optimal design for this artwork.

My Working Process

I used UART 500 sanded paper as the surface for my pastel artwork, allowing me to apply multiple layers. Beginning with a charcoal pencil sketch, I then applied a thin layer of burnt sienna transparen­t acrylic wash to fix the drawing. Employing both pastel pencils and sticks, my technique involved depicting the flower, leaves and background in a specific sequence, progressin­g from light to dark to prevent excessive pigment accumulati­on. The Terry Ludwig Intense Darks II series was predominan­tly used on the background to create depth and enhance the flower’s presence. Adjusting details and hues carefully, I aimed to achieve overall harmony and color balance in the painting.

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