Imperial Valley Press

IVC’s Auto Tech Facility underway


IMPERIAL — Erickson-Hall Constructi­on Co. announced its ongoing collaborat­ion with the Imperial Valley Community College District to construct its new Auto Tech Facility.

This project is already underway at Imperial Valley College (IVC), following a groundbrea­king on May 29, the company said.

The new 33,000-squarefoot Auto Tech, Diesel and Architectu­ral Automation, Art and Maker Space building will house classroom facilities, lecture halls, digital photograph­y areas, a darkroom for film processing, office space, computer labs, dedicated auto bays with lifts and workroom areas with tool storage. Additional­ly, the facility will have a hazardous waste disposal area and solar-covered parking stalls for project cars.

“The new Auto/Diesel Technology and Art Laboratori­es building will provide our students with the latest technology and resources needed to succeed,” Imperial Valley College Superinten­dent/ President Lennor Johnson said. “We are excited for the Erickson-Hall team to deliver a high-quality building that fosters creativity and innovation.”

As the company starts work on the $42.4 million Auto Tech Facility, Erickson-Hall is also celebratin­g the grand opening of another recent project delivered for IVC: the Athletic Concession­s Stand and Restrooms Building. This project entailed the constructi­on of a concession stand facility with upgraded lighting, two restrooms, men’s and women’s dressing rooms, a maintenanc­e room, an electrical room, a data room and improvemen­ts to the surroundin­g site. The facility opened to the public on June 6.

As part of the project, Erickson-Hall also coordinate­d with the Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE) to install a

Borderlink Antenna at IVC, expanding the ICOE’s internet framework and providing students and nearby households with free internet access.

These projects build on Erickson-Hall’s past successful efforts at IVC, including its renovation of three campus buildings last year. Erickson-Hall will soon start constructi­on on a new $47 million Public Safety Regional Training Center, Maintenanc­e and Operations Warehouse and soccer field renovation­s at the IVC campus.

“Erickson-Hall is incredibly proud of its partnershi­p with Imperial Valley College District and the role we’ve played to deliver improvemen­ts across campus that benefit students, staff, faculty and community members alike,” said Mat Gates, President of Erickson-Hall. “The Auto Tech Facility project represents a significan­t investment in the future of skilled trades education. We are honored to build a space where students can receive the training they need to excel in their careers.”

Funds for these and other IVC projects come from the $130 million voter-approved Measure B bond of 2022 and the $80 million voter-approved Measure J of 2010.

 ?? IMAGE COURTESY SANDERS INC. ?? A digital rendering shows an image of what the front entrance of the new and upcoming Auto/Diesel Tech & Laboratori­es Building will look like when constructi­on on the project is completed at Imperial Valley College.
IMAGE COURTESY SANDERS INC. A digital rendering shows an image of what the front entrance of the new and upcoming Auto/Diesel Tech & Laboratori­es Building will look like when constructi­on on the project is completed at Imperial Valley College.

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