Imperial Valley Press

County approves Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance


EL CENTRO — The Imperial County Board of Supervisor­s took a significan­t step towards addressing housing needs by approving a new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance during their meeting on Tuesday, June 18.

According to a press release from the Imperial County Executive Office, this ordinance aims to provide more housing options for residents and promote affordable living solutions. The ADU ordinance facilitate­s the constructi­on of ADUs on existing residentia­l properties, offering additional housing options without the need for new land developmen­t. By enabling homeowners to build smaller, secondary units, the ordinance supports affordable living arrangemen­ts for families, seniors, and individual­s seeking independen­t living spaces. The new regulation­s also simplify the permitting process, making it easier for property owners to construct ADUs and contribute to the county’s housing supply.

Per the release, Andra Dakota, a resident of

Niland, expressed her support, stating, “This ordinance is a game-changer for our community. It allows families to stay together and provides much-needed affordable housing options.” Andra also suggested that a substantia­l reduction in lot merger fees for homeowners, in respect to the constructi­on of ADUs, would be a great way for the County to jump-start a campaign of education and incentiviz­e the public.

“Imperial County is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its residents by providing essential services and promoting sustainabl­e growth,” the release reads. “The ADU ordinance is part of the county’s ongoing efforts to address housing needs and support community developmen­t,” it reads.

For more informatio­n, visit www.imperialco­unty. org.

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