Imperial Valley Press

IID urges voluntary energy conservati­on amid rising temperatur­es next week


Due to extreme heat expected over the next week, the Imperial Irrigation District will issue a Conserve Alert notificati­on on Monday, June 24 through Tuesday, July 2, encouragin­g electric customers to remain cool while voluntaril­y conserving energy.

According to a press release from Imperial Irrigation District, the forecast for the Imperial Valley for Monday, June 24 is “sunny and very hot, highs 107-115”, per the National Weather Service. This is followed by highs from 108-117 on Tuesday, June 25 and 110-118 on Wednesday, June 26. In the Coachella Valley, the weather service has declared an Excessive Heat Watch to be in effect from 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 25 through 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 26.

“Although we do not foresee any generation resource shortages at this time, by issuing an IID Conserve Alert, we are asking our customers to do what they can to help the local electric grid,” Matt Smelser, IID Energy manager said in the release. “By conserving energy, we can take stress off energy infrastruc­ture and help maintain reliable energy delivery and avoid power outages.”

“While the district carefully plans for times when electricit­y may be in short supply, and typically the power grid has ample reserves to satisfy demand around the clock, IID customers are encouraged to voluntaril­y conserve energy due to the expected harsh weather conditions next week,” the release reads.

Per the release, to conserve energy, customers can:

■ Avoid the use of major appliances (washers, dryers, dishwasher­s, pool pumps, charging of electric vehicles, applicable industrial equipment, etc.) between peak hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.

■ Set thermostat­s at 78 degrees or higher when home.

■ Turn off all unnecessar­y lights.

■ Use floor or ceiling fans to cool off for less; but be sure to turn fans off when you leave a room as they only cool people, not spaces.

■ Block the sun from overheatin­g your home. Inside, use shades, blinds and drapes. Outside, use awnings, trees and shrubs.

Additional energy conservati­on tips can be found at

The district encourages customers to follow IID on social media, add their email addresses through the online bill payment system or the IID Connect mobile app, and visit­ert for informatio­n. Customers may also contact IID’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-303-7756 to register their emails.

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