Imperial Valley Press

The Ghosts of Mississipp­i


History on the rerun. Ghosts of Mississipp­i. Magnolia State maintains its horrendous­ly racist image.

Any of the statements could be used to describe the images shown across the nation last weekend at the University of Mississipp­i at Oxford.

Dozens of students at the university’s flagship campus gathered last week to protest Israel’s war in Gaza and to call for the school to be transparen­t in its potential dealings with Israel. These demonstrat­ors were confronted with hundreds of counter-protesters, in contrast to the few dozen pro-Palestinia­n protesters.

Less than an hour after the protest began, police disbanded it – notably after counter-protesters threw items at the pro-Palestinia­n group. Police safely evacuated the pro-Palestinia­n students as the largely white, male group of counter-protesters chanted: “Nah, nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye,” “Who’s your daddy?”, “USA”, “Hit the showers”, “Your nose is huge” and, in one instance, included a white man making monkey noises at a Black woman.

On Sunday, Phi Delta Theta fraternity responded in a statement, saying it was aware of the video that showed the actions of one counter-protester and had removed that individual, identified as J.D Staples, from membership.“The racist actions in the video were those of an individual and are antithetic­al to the values of Phi Delta Theta and the Mississipp­i Alpha chapter,” the statement read.

In response to such an odious incident, the University of Mississipp­i’s chapter of the National Associatio­n for the Advancemen­t of Colored People stated: “The behavior witnessed today was not only abhorrent but also entirely unacceptab­le,” the statement reads. “It is deeply dishearten­ing to witness such blatant disregard for the principles of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.” Former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner wrote,

“This is a video showing anti-Blackness,” reposting Collins’ post. “This is a sitting Congressma­n applauding it.”

Shockingly, there were those who condoned and applauded such deplorable behavior. Rep. Mike Collins, a Georgia Republican, shared the viral video on X saying, “Ole Miss taking care of business.” Mississipp­i Governor Tate Reeves, who himself recently declared April as Confederat­e Heritage Month and April 29 as Confederat­e Memorial Day, captioned a video of the counter-protesters singing the national anthem with “the ‘protests’ at Ole Miss today. Watch with sound. Warms my heart. I love Mississipp­i!”

Given his previous endorsemen­t of racist legacies, such retrograde remarks should hardly be surprising.

This overtly racist commentary parallels the Mississipp­i of yesteryear. In September 1962, Mississipp­i governor Ross Barnett – a staunch and defiant segregatio­nist – spoke to an all-white crowd of more than 40,000 people at the University of Mississipp­i football game against Kentucky. As Confederat­e flags waved, Barnett said: “I love Mississipp­i. I love her people. Our customs. I love and respect our heritage.”

The next day, an insurrecti­on took place on campus as James Meredith enrolled, becoming the first known Black student in the university’s history.

Realizing that he stated the quiet part out too loud (at least for a governor) Reeves parroted statements similar to those echoed by Joe Biden the morning of the protests. In Biden’s statements on the protests around the nation, he said: “We’ve all seen images, and they put to the test two fundamenta­l American principles … The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld.”

Jailyn R. Smith, the young woman who was the subject of the attacks, made it clear the juvenile comments did not get to her

“The monkey gestures – and people calling me fat or Lizzo – didn’t hurt my feelings, because I know what I am,” Smith said. “I am so confident in my Blackness. I am so confident in my size, in the way that I wear my hair, and who I am. They do not bother me. If anything, I felt pity for them for how stupidly they acted,”

Smith, who is scheduled to graduate later this month, certainly demonstrat­ed herself to be the mature, decent human being in this sordid encounter.

This incident at Ole miss gives adage to the statement “the more things change; they stay the same.”

Elwood Watson is a professor of history, Black studies, and gender and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University. He is also an author and public speaker.

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