Imperial Valley Press

IID asks public to keep metallic balloons secure as Mother’s Day, graduation­s approach

How TikTok grew from a fun app for teens into a potential national security threat

- STAFF REPORT A TikTok sign is displayed on their building in Culver City, Calif., March 11.

IMPERIAL — As Mother’s Day and graduation ceremonies approach, colorful balloons made of Mylar are in high demand and the Imperial Irrigation District wishes to remind the public how necessary it is to keep these festive balloons tied down.

According to a press release from the Imperial Irrigation District, by securing these helium-filled balloons and properly disposing of them, the balloons won’t float away and cause large-scale power outages, melt electrical wires, cause fires or lead to possible injuries and property damage, and significan­t inconvenie­nces for residents and businesses.

“Although they can be festive and fun, the metallic coating can conduct electricit­y, which can lead to a short circuit or power surge when coming in contact with electrical equipment,” Matt Smelser, Energy Department manager said in the release. “We want to stress how important it is for these balloons not to float away. Help keep

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — If it feels like TikTok has been around forever, that’s probably because it has, at least if you’re measuring via internet time. What’s now in question is whether it will be around much longer and, if so, in what form?

Starting in 2017, when the Chinese social video app merged with its competitor, TikTok has grown from a niche teen app into a global trendsette­r. While, of course, also emerging as a potential national security threat, according to U.S. oŸcials.

On April 24, President Joe Biden signed legislatio­n requiring TikTok parent ByteDance to sell to a U.S. owner within a year or to shut down. It’s not clear whether that law will survive a legal challenge filed by TikTok or that ByteDance would agree to sell.

Here’s how TikTok came to this juncture:

March 2012

ByteDance is founded in China by entreprene­ur Zhang Yimin. Its first hit product is Toutiao, a personaliz­ed news aggregator for Chinese users.

July 2014

Startup, later known for an eponymous app used to post short lipsyncing music videos, is founded in China by entreprene­ur Alex Zhu.

July 2015 hits #1 in the Apple App Store, following a design change that made the company’s logo visible when users shared their videos.


ByteDance launches Douyin, a video sharing app for Chinese users. Its popularity inspires the company to spin o© a version for foreign audiences called TikTok.

November 2017

ByteDance acquires for $1 billion. Nine months later, ByteDance merges it with TikTok.

Powered by an algorithm that encourages binge- watching, users begin to share a wide variety of video on the app, including dance moves, kitchen food preparatio­n and various “challenges” to perform, record and post acts that range from serious to satirical.

February 2019

Rapper Lil Nas X releases the country- trap song “Old Town Road” on

October 2019 May 2020

the party going by keeping all Mylar balloons secure and disposed of properly.”

If purchasing a Mylar balloon, please request a clip or a balloon weight.

IID reports that since 2022, there

TikTok, where it goes viral and pushes the song to a record 17 weeks in the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The phenomenon kicks off a wave of TikTok videos from musical artists who suddenly see TikTok as a critical way to reach fans.

TikTok settles federal charges of violating U.S. child- privacy laws and agrees to pay a $5.7 million fine.

September 2019

The Washington Post reports that while images of Hong Kong democracy protests and police crackdowns are common on most social media sites, they are strangely absent on TikTok. The same story notes that TikTok posts with the #trump2020 tag received more than 70 million views.

The company insists that TikTok content moderation, conducted in the U.S., is not responsibl­e and says the app is a place for entertainm­ent, not politics.

The Guardian reports on internal documents that reportedly detail how TikTok instructs its moderators to delete or limit the reach of videos touching on topics sensitive to China such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and subsequent massacre, Tibetan independen­ce or the sanctioned religious group Falun Gong.

U. S. politician­s begin to raise alarms about TikTok’s influence, calling for a federal investigat­ions of its Musical. ly acquisitio­n and a national security probe into TikTok and other Chinese-owned apps. That investigat­ion begins in November, according to news reports.

December 2019

The Pentagon recommends that all U.S. military personnel delete TikTok from all phones, personal and government-issued. Some services ban the app on military owned phones. In January, the Pentagon bans the app from all military phones.

TikTok becomes the second-most downloaded app in the world, according to data from analytics firm SensorTowe­r.

Privacy groups file a complaint alleging TikTok is still violating U.S. child-protection laws and flouting a 2019 settlement agreement. The company “takes the issue of safely seriously” and continues to improve safeguards, it says.

TikTok hires former Disney executive Kevin Mayer as its chief executive oŸcer in an apparent attempt to improve its U. S. relations. Mayer resigns three months later.

July 2020

India bans TikTok and dozens of other Chinese apps in response to a border clash with China.

President Donald Trump says he is considerin­g banning TikTok as retaliatio­n for China’s alleged mishandlin­g of the COVID-19 pandemic.

August 2020

Trump issues a sweeping but vague executive order banning American companies from any “transactio­n” with ByteDance and its subsidiari­es, including TikTok. Several days later, he issues a second order demanding that ByteDance divest itself of TikTok’s U.S. operations within 90 days.

Microsoft confirms it is exploring acquisitio­n of TikTok. The deal never materializ­es; neither does a similar overture from Oracle and Walmart. TikTok, meanwhile, sues the Trump administra­tion for alleged violation of due process in its executive orders.

November 2020

Joe Biden is elected president. He doesn’t o©er new policy on TikTok and have been 55 power outages in its service area due to Mylar balloon contact alone, affecting nearly 21,000 IID customers. In one case (February 2022), the power was out for some customers for nearly six and a half hours. In anwon’t take oŸce until January, but Trump’s plans to force a sale of TikTok start to unravel anyway. The Trump administra­tion extends the deadlines it had imposed on ByteDance and TikTok and eventually lets them slide altogether.

February 2021

Newly sworn-in President Joe Biden postpones the legal cases involving Trump’s plan to ban TikTok, effectivel­y bringing them to a halt.

September 2021

TikTok announces it has more than a billion monthly active users.

December 2021

A Wall Street Journal report finds TikTok algorithms can flood teens with a torrent of harmful material such as videos recommendi­ng extreme dieting, a form of eating disorder.

February 2022

TikTok announces new rules to deter the spread of harmful material such as viral hoaxes and promotion of eating disorders.

April 2022

“The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical,” a project created by two fans of the Netflix show as a TikTok project, wins the Grammy for Best Musical Theater Album.

TikTok becomes the most downloaded app in the world, beating out Instagram, according to SensorTowe­r data.

June 2022

BuzzFeed reports that China- based ByteDance employees have repeatedly

March 2023

other case, over 2,100 IID customers were out of power (April 2023) for more than one-half hour; all due to Mylar balloons.

In addition, power outages caused by Mylar balloons end up costing the IID customer, which, since 2022, is estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment damage, fuel costs, hourly wages, etc.

To reduce these risks, IID suggests the following tips:

■ Attach a weight to metallic balloons, or safely tie them down

■ Never release a Mylar balloon outdoors

■ Keep Mylar balloons away from power lines

■ Never use metallic ribbons with balloons

■ Always deflate metallic balloons and dispose of them properly

“If you see a metallic balloon that has come into contact with a power line, keep yourself and all other items and people at least 20 feet away and report it by calling IID at 1-800-3037756,” the release reads. accessed the nonpublic informatio­n of TikTok users, based on leaked recordings from more than 80 internal TikTok meetings. TikTok responds with a vague comment touting its commitment to security that doesn’t directly address the BuzzFeed report.

TikTok also announces it has migrated its user data to U.S. servers managed by the U.S. tech firm Oracle. But that doesn’t prevent fresh alarm among U. S. oŸcials about the risk of Chinese authoritie­s accessing U.S. user data.

December 2022

FBI Director Chris Wrap raises national security concerns about TikTok, warning that Chinese oŸcials could manipulate the app’s recommenda­tion algorithm for influence operations.

ByteDance also said it fired four employees who accessed data on journalist­s from Buzzfeed News and The Financial Times while attempting to track down leaks of confidenti­al materials about the company.

February 2023

The White House gives federal agencies 30 days to ensure TikTok is deleted from all government-issued mobile devices. Both the FBI and the Federal Communicat­ions Commission warn that ByteDance could share TikTok user data with China’s authoritar­ian government.

Legislator­s grill TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew at a six- hour congressio­nal hearing where Chew, a native of Singapore, attempts to push back on assertions that TikTok and ByteDance are tools of the Chinese government.

January 2024

TikTok said it was restrictin­g a tool some researcher­s use to analyze popular videos on the platform.

March 2024

A bill to ban TikTok or force its sale to a U.S. company gathers steam in Congress. TikTok brings dozens of its creators to Washington to tell lawmakers to back o©, while emphasizin­g changes the company has made to protect user data. TikTok also annoys legislator­s by sending notificati­ons to users urging them to “speak up now” or risk seeing TikTok banned; users then flood congressio­nal oŸces with calls.

The House of Representa­tives passes the TikTok ban-or-sell bill.

April 2024

The Senate follows suit, sending the bill to President Biden, who signs it.

May 2024

TikTok and its Chinese parent company ByteDance sue the U.S. federal government to challenge a law that would force the sale of ByteDance’s stake or face a ban, saying that the law is unconstitu­tional.

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