Imperial Valley Press


- By Eugenia Last ©2024 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Distribute­d by Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n for United Feature Syndicate

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024

It’s up to you to change what you don’t like. Set standards and be clear about what you expect of others and what you are willing to give in return. The changes you make this year will profoundly impact your life. Your power is in your ability to size up situations and follow through. Your actions will boost your confidence.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

— If you don’t like something, change it; if you do, speak up and applaud. A unique approach to relationsh­ips will help bring you closer together. Personal change will lead to compliment­s.


— Know where every dollar goes. Joint ventures will not pan out as planned, and partnershi­ps will require a written agreement. Refrain from relying on secondhand informatio­n.

CANCER (May 21-June (June 21-July LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) 20)

— You’ll gain recognitio­n for your effort and input. Don’t buy into someone else’s dream when you have personal desires to fulfill. Feel free to apply friendly pressure to get what you want.

— Focus on what matters most and surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you. Take heed of advice but use it to your advantage.

22) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

— Let go of what’s irrelevant in your life and make room for new beginnings. Learning, expanding your interests and finding your bliss will point you in the right direction.


— Speak from the heart, and you will resolve issues that concern you. Refuse to let anyone take advantage of you, especially when your health or finances are at risk.


— Look at opportunit­ies from every angle and pursue the path that makes the most sense. A change will lift your spirits and push you in a direction that brings you joy.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22) SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

— Don’t let anyone use emotional manipulati­on to exploit you. Head in a direction that allows you to use your skills. A social event will lead to an exciting connection.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

— Expand your interests, and you’ll discover something that enriches your life. Don’t change your goals because someone pressures you to do something else.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)

— Take a unique path. Venture in a direction that allows you to use your intelligen­ce and physical attributes to get ahead. Connect with people who interest you.

(Feb. (March 20-March 21-April 20)

— Giving your best will impress someone who can help you reach your goal. Hard work and a relentless attitude will pay off and position you for advancemen­t.

— High energy will lead to approval, support and the opportunit­y to use your skills to achieve financial success. Long-term investment­s will offer peace of mind.


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