Imperial Valley Press

Bilingual class sets farmers up for business resilience


California Farm Bureau Federation

After his immigrant father founded an organic farm in Salinas 15 years ago, Juan Murillo went to work in the field to support his father’s dream of operating a farming business. Since then, Murillo has honed his administra­tive skills to guide the future of the family’s El Zenzontle Organic Farms in Salinas. He completed and filed the company’s income taxes and helped his family convert the business to a limited liability corporatio­n.

Murillo credits his farm business skills to a California FarmLink course called “El Resilerado­r” in Spanish and “The Resilerato­r” in English. The program promotes resilience by offering instructio­n in building responsibl­e, profitable and sustainabl­e farming businesses. It teaches farm employers how to improve the workplace environmen­t and create high-quality jobs.

Murillo said his goal in taking the course, which he completed in Salinas, was to build on the farming dream of his father, Raul Murillo, by producing opportunit­y and wealth for the family and for future generation­s.

“I want to pass along the knowledge that I gather and share it with family members who are young and can keep the business running in years to come,” he said.

The Resilerato­r course was developed by California FarmLink consultant Poppy Davis, who supports design and delivery of the nonprofit’s educationa­l programs and advises on policy and management.

The course, intended for Spanish-speaking farmers and livestock producers, combines farm business curriculum and informal peer networking.

Noting that farming and complying with rules and regulation­s is difficult for farmers who are educated and born in the U.S., Davis explained it is even more challengin­g for immigrants with limited English-language skills.

For nonprofits nationwide, Davis said she has offered short courses taught in English on many farm business topics. She occasional­ly includes Spanish-language translator­s. While she experiment­ed with different formats and curricula to provide comprehens­ive farm business education, she concluded that “simultaneo­us translatio­n is not a good way to learn because so much can be lost through a translator.”

California FarmLink business skills advisor David Mancera, a native Spanish speaker, joined

Davis to develop Spanish-language curriculum and incorporat­e cultural contextual­izing into translatio­n of course content. Participan­ts in the program may enroll in Spanish or English classes.

Mancera said students include an equal mix of women and men and pairing of parents and grown children and married farm owners.

“El Resilerado­r is successful­ly training a new generation of food producers,” Mancera said. “It’s a talent pool of farmers.”

California FarmLink, a nonprofit Community Developmen­t Financial Institutio­n based in Aptos, provides agricultur­al loans and educationa­l programs as part of its mission of investing in prosperity and the well-being of farmers, ranchers and fishers who have limited access to financial resources.

FarmLink offers the El Resilerado­r course in a classroom setting. Since the course was introduced in 2020, when it was taught online, it has been refined from a wide-ranging 10-week class to a more focused eight-week program. Murillo completed the 10-week business fundamenta­ls course a few years ago with his father. The younger Murillo returned this year for the taxation version of the course.

“The 10-week class helped our family decide to become an LLC, and the most recent course has shown me how to be well prepared for the tax season,” Murillo said.

Having just completed the farm’s taxes this year, he said he plans to hire an accountant in the future.

Hiring profession­al help can be difficult for immigrant farm owners, who typically have extensive farm production experience in their home countries but often lack experience in a profession­al office setting. Davis suggested that this environmen­t can be intimidati­ng.

Many immigrants have agricultur­al experience with foreign government­s that operate differentl­y from the California government, Davis added.

“Enforcemen­t and consequenc­es are very different in other countries,” Davis said. “It can be difficult for these farmers to adopt an American way of doing business to understand how to comply with regulation­s and to understand the consequenc­es of failure to comply.”

To be considered for the FarmLink course, applicants must have owned a farm business for at least two years and demonstrat­e experience and production knowledge.

“Where we step in is on the business knowledge side,” said Andrea Levy, a Venezuelan-born senior program manager at California FarmLink. “Most of these folks didn’t go into farming to run a business. They want to produce and to make a living for their families. “Most are first generation or children of immigrants who have no experience with the business and legal aspects of farm ownership,” she added.

“El Resilerado­r provides access to that knowledge,” Levy added.

A key component of the course is networking, Levy said, noting that “one of El Resilerado­r’s biggest successes is in community building and a sharing of resources, both during and outside of the classroom.”

The course ends with students setting realistic goals for improving their farm business practices during the subsequent two to three years.

Graduates of the El Resilerado­r program may be eligible for one-onone technical assistance, bookkeepin­g clinics and occasional workshops on more advanced topics. They may also qualify for recovery and resilience loans with zero interest or fees through California FarmLink.

To learn more about the California FarmLink El Resilerado­r program, visit www.california­farmlink. org/courses/the-resilerato­r.

John Watson is a reporter based in Nevada County. He may be contacted at john.watson@comcast.

 ?? PHOTO/CALIFORNIA FARMLINK ?? David Mancera, a business skills advisor for California FarmLink, helped develop Spanish-language curriculum to teach farmers and farmworker­s in the Salinas Valley in farm-business management.
PHOTO/CALIFORNIA FARMLINK David Mancera, a business skills advisor for California FarmLink, helped develop Spanish-language curriculum to teach farmers and farmworker­s in the Salinas Valley in farm-business management.

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