Imperial Valley Press

Inmates at Mississipp­i prison were exposed to dangerous chemicals, denied health care, lawsuit says


JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Inmates at a Mississipp­i prison were forced to mix raw cleaning chemicals without protective equipment, with one alleging she later contracted terminal cancer and was denied timely medical care, a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges.

Susan Balfour, 62, was incarcerat­ed for 33 years at the Central Mississipp­i Correction­al Facility until her release in December 2021. Prisoners were required to clean the facility, without protective equipment, using chemicals that might cause cancer, Balfour’s lawsuit says.

Balfour contracted terminal breast cancer, a condition that prison health care providers failed to identify years ago because they could save money by not performing necessary medical screenings and treatment, the lawsuit filed in the U.S. Southern District of Mississipp­i contends.

“I feel betrayed by our system that failed to provide timely medical care for me. I feel hopeless, I feel angry, I feel bitterness. I feel shock and disbelief of this going on with me at a time when I’m getting ready to get out (of prison),’ Balfour said in an interview Tuesday. “It is too much to take in, that this is happening to me.”

The companies contracted to provide health care to prisoners at the facility — Wexford Health Sources, Centurion Health and VitalCore — delayed or failed to schedule follow-up cancer screenings for Baflour even though they had been recommende­d by prison physicians, the lawsuit says.

All three companies did not immediatel­y respond to emails and phone messages seeking comment. A spokespers­on for the Mississipp­i Department of Correction­s said the agency would not comment on active litigation.

The lawsuit, which seeks compensato­ry damages in an amount to be determined at a trial, says at least 15 other unidentifi­ed people incarcerat­ed at the prison have cancer and are not receiving life-saving care.

One of Balfour’s lawyers, Drew Tominello, said in an interview that her attorneys had not establishe­d with certainty that exposure to the chemicals caused

Balfour’s cancer. But the lawsuit focuses on what they say were substantia­l delays and denial of medical treatment that could have detected her cancer earlier.

Incentives in the companies’ contracts with the state Department of Correction­s encouraged cost- cutting by reducing outpatient referrals and interferin­g with physicians’ independen­t clinical judgments, the lawsuit alleges.

Balfour was initially convicted of murdering a police officer and sentenced to death, but that conviction was later reversed in 1992 after the Mississipp­i Supreme Court found her constituti­onal rights had been violated during her trial. She later reached a plea agreement on a lesser charge, Tominello said.

Balfour’s attorneys say her cancer may have been detectable over a decade ago. After she was released in 2021, an outpatient doctor performed a mammogram that showed she had stage four breast cancer, the suit says.

Pauline Rogers, Co-Founder of the Rech Foundation, an organizati­on that assists formerly incarcerat­ed people, called the alleged prison cleaning protocols “a clear violation of basic human rights.”

“These are human beings that deserve a second chance in life,” Rogers said. “Instead, these companies are withholdin­g care to make a profit off the women they’re leaving to get sick and die.”

 ?? AP PHOTO/ROGELIO V. SOLIS ?? A watch tower stands high on the grounds of the Central Mississipp­i Correction­al Facility, in 2019, in Pearl, Miss.
AP PHOTO/ROGELIO V. SOLIS A watch tower stands high on the grounds of the Central Mississipp­i Correction­al Facility, in 2019, in Pearl, Miss.

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