Imperial Valley Press


- By Eugenia Last ©2024 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Distribute­d by Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n for United Feature Syndicate


Make reductions this year. Less indulgence, consumptio­n and debt will ease stress and help you return to what’s meaningful. Consider how simplicity can work in your favor. Jump at any chance to spend more time with loved ones. Choose to give more and use less.

— Take a moment to rethink what makes you happy. Fine-tune your life; a simple adjustment can make a difference. Expand your options to include love.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) PISCES

— Don’t limit your achievemen­ts. Be innovative and use your skills uniquely, and you’ll attract the people and opportunit­ies that enable you to achieve your goals.

— Spend more time creating and putting everything in its place and less time trying to convince others to support your goal. Move forward alone and prove you can finish what you start.


— Put a plan in place if you want to be successful. Opportunit­y is apparent and working for yourself will be necessary, so do what needs to be done.

GEMINI (Feb. 20-March 20)

— Talk to experts, learn all you can and consider what’s valid. Have the confidence to follow through with your plans. Refuse to let anyone make you feel inadequate.

CANCER (April (May 20-May 20) 21-June

— Dive in and show everyone what you can offer. Mingle, share thoughts and make plans with people who have something to

(June 21-April 21-July 19) 20) 22)

contribute. A change of plans will encourage an opportunit­y to learn.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

— Implementi­ng too much too fast will slow you down. Concentrat­e on doing one thing at a time, and you’ll put a dent in your to-do list. A partnershi­p will weigh you down and lead to regret.


— Live and learn. Step into the mainstream and discover what’s available to help you advance. Network, share your thoughts and be ready to act.

(Aug. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

— Stay focused on your responsibi­lities. Refuse to let outside influences take control or manipulate your time and skills to serve their purposes. Protect what you’ve worked hard to achieve.


— Set the record straight, say what’s on your mind and move forward with gratitude. Step outside your comfort zone if it will help you get the results you need to prove your point.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

— Rely on the people who have never let you down. Question anything that might jeopardize your position. Poor behavior will change how others perceive you.

CAPRICORN 23-Sept. 24-Nov. (Dec. 22) 22-Jan. 22) 19)

— Pay attention to detail. Don’t brag about your accomplish­ments; if you proceed with confidence, you’ll gain the respect and opportunit­y you deserve.

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