Imperial Valley Press


- By Eugenia Last ©2023 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Distribute­d by Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n for United Feature Syndicate


Look at what you’ve got to work with, then make adjustment­s to fit your schedule, circumstan­ces and resources. A practical, honest approach to running your personal life and an innovative approach to financial management will help you gain respect and encouragem­ent from the people who matter most to you.

CAPRICORN PISCES ARIES TAURUS (Dec. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) (Feb. 20-March 20) (March 22-Jan.

— Self-improvemen­t will pay off. Focus on getting things done, preparing for the new year and setting financial, physical and mental guidelines that help you be and do your best.

(April 21-April 19) 19)

— Play like a champion. Hold your head high and strut your stuff. Spread some joy, and you’ll make connection­s that will support your efforts and make your life easier.

— Reminisce with loved ones. Rehashing past events will help you decide which changes you wish to make next year. Let your actions set the stage for what’s to come.

— Keep an open mind, but don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position. Travel can pose health risks if you don’t take precaution­s. Leave nothing to chance.

— Taking care of unfinished business will ease stress and clear a path that leads to fun and games. Reaching out to someone who challenges you intellectu­ally will spark your imaginatio­n.

20-May 20) GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

— Put your energy into carrying out positive change. Anyone can complain or make a fuss, but those who make the world better feel good about their achievemen­ts.

—A change of plans will benefit you. Let situations unfold naturally; you’ll find it easier to connect with people. A joint venture looks promising.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) LEO

— Challenge yourself mentally, and you’ll discover something fascinatin­g to help you navigate conversati­ons with people who don’t share your beliefs.Be kind.

(July 23-Aug. 22) VIRGO

— Seek out like-minded people and get things done. Changing your surroundin­gs or the activities you participat­e in will help you see situations differentl­y.

LIBRA (Aug. (Sept. SCORPIO 23-Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

— Emotions will trigger reactions. Choose your words wisely. There is no point in upsetting someone to make yourself look good. Put your ego aside.


— Move about, visit, entertain and converse. Your mindset will make a difference, so put a smile on your face and keep temptation at a distance. Protect yourself.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22) SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

— Get-togethers will be intense. Lighten up and keep the conversati­on humorous and playful. Let kindness and considerat­ion lead the way. Promote peace.

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