Hobby Farms



For this decadent method, a nonstick pan is best; cast iron is just too porous. Enamel is good, too. It’s super creamy and rich, so a little finishing drizzle of something spicy and acidic balances the dish perfectly.

But do be careful when selecting the cream; read the ingredient­s as some heavy creams contain stabilizer­s and thickeners which we don’t want. This recipe serves one, but to scale it up for two, use a slightly larger skillet and double the amount of cream.

Tip: If the skillet is too big, the cream won’t be deep enough. Aim for about a 1⁄2-inch of cream.



• 1 teaspoon butter

• ¼ cup heavy cream

(“whipping” or 35%)

• sriracha, chili crisp or your favorite hot sauce

• pinch sea salt

• pinch pepper

• 2 free-range eggs

• 2 teaspoons fresh finely chopped chives, parsley, or cilantro to garnish


Into a small nonstick or enamel skillet over medium heat, add the butter — let it melt — add cream and hot sauce; stir or swirl lightly to just combine. Allow to thicken and brown; about 3 minutes. The cream will bubble and brown more at the edges, and that’s a good thing; it’s the lactose in the cream caramelizi­ng and becoming sweet.

Crack in the eggs, season with salt and pepper, cover and cook until whites are set and the yolks are how you like them; about 3 minutes for runny.

Unless you are the owner of the very best nonstick skillet, it can be di“cult to get this out looking pretty, so feel free to serve right from the skillet! Garnish with more hot sauce and fresh herbs, if desired.

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