Hamilton Journal News

Know what to pack when evacuating due to natural disaster

- Send a great hint to: Heloise Box 795001 San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Fax: 1-210-HELOISE.

Dear Heloise: The threat of an evacuation during an earthquake or fire is a real challenge for us here in Southern California. All across the country, many residents are also forced to evacuate their homes for a multitude of reasons. On two occasions in the past few years, we have been in this predicamen­t.

We now have an evacuation plan. Things like papers, electronic­s and sentimenta­l items are all important, but the first thing I throw into the car is my hamper full of dirty clothes. These are the garments that my family wears on a daily basis, so I know they fit. — C.L., in California

Unused recipe cards

Dear Heloise: Remember when we used to have a little card file with handwritte­n recipes? I still have a ton of these unused recipe cards on hand. I now keep them by my desk to use for jotting down notes about websites, craft ideas, notes to myself, etc. — M., in Vermont

Fast fashion kills the planet

Dear Heloise: I’m nearly 80 years old and still driving, since I’m still mentally alert. I’ve seen many changes in our society, but the one that worries me the most is how Americans dump usable items in the trash rather than repairing them or taking better care of those items.

Clothing is one example. There is a 66,000ton “clothing dump pile” in the Atacama Desert in the country of Chile that can be seen from space. These are garments that are often unsold clothes from North America, Asia and Europe.

There are thousands of people worldwide who could use these garments, but instead of sending them to charity shops or underdevel­oped countries where clothing is needed, retailers and manufactur­ers send them to be disposed of in an ever-growing pile of clothes. The world needs to stop this practice, and the sooner they do, the better.

When I was growing up, we were taught that it is better to have one garment of quality rather than five poorly made, trendy or faddish pieces of clothing. The little black dress was a staple in every woman’s closet, and many of us loved classic styles that lasted many years. Usually, those garments were eventually given to a secondhand shop.

Now designers dictate to us that we need to buy more clothes every year that will go out of style the following year. I think it’s time that we all rebelled against this idea. Why should I enrich a corporatio­n at the expense of the planet? If a designer (a total stranger) says a style is “out,” why should I toss out an article of clothing that I enjoy wearing?

We all live on one planet, and any wishful form of colonizati­on of the moon or Mars might never happen. But even if it does happen, why trash this Earth of ours? At least for now, it’s our home. Let’s all take care of it. — S.Y., in Arizona

Ladder storage

Dear Readers: Paint old ladders to use as a place of storage in different rooms. You can put books, plants or small collection­s on them. The ladder can be hung on the wall, leaned against a wall, or opened and placed in a corner. — Heloise

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Heloise Household Hints

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