Hamilton Journal News

Watercolor exhibit coming to Middletown Arts Center

- By Ginny McCabe Contributi­ng Writer

Artists working in water-soluble mediums, including watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache and egg tempera, will soon have their works on display in Middletown for people to see.

More than 70 watercolor art pieces are part of the Ohio Watercolor Society exhibit at the Middletown Arts Center.

It’s “a rich tradition ...,” said Kate Dykes, executive director at the MAC. “Over the years, this collaborat­ion has brought dynamic and innovative work to our region, pushing the boundaries of watercolor as a medium and offering our community a chance to experience the evolution of this art form firsthand.”

“Watercolor Ohio 2024″ will open with a reception from 1-4 p.m. Sept. 21. Attendees will meet the artists, view the diverse range of artworks and celebrate the creativity of Ohio’s watercolor community. The reception is free and open to the public.

The exhibition will run through Oct. 17 and can be viewed during MAC’s regular hours.

“When I am jurying for any show, I am looking for those that capture your attention and make you want to keep viewing it over and over. These are the ones that have that something extra that compels one to be visually entertaine­d and intrigued. Perhaps it was its creative design, strong color combinatio­ns or maybe compelling visual content, whatever it is, it worked,” said Ken Call, a nationally known watercolor­ist, who served as this year’s juror of selection and awards.

In addition to the works being on display in the exhibition, awards totaling thousands of dollars will be presented to the winning artists.

Following the initial exhibition in Middletown, a traveling exhibition of 32 paintings, including all of the award winners, will be displayed at various venues throughout Ohio. The traveling show will bring the best of Ohio’s watercolor artistry to a wider audience, across the state.

The Ohio Watercolor Society is dedicated to advancing the stature of watercolor as a major painting medium, educating Ohio residents about aqueous painting, and fostering a greater appreciati­on for the medium among both artists and the general public.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? “Watercolor Ohio 2024” will open Sept. 21 at the Middletown Arts Center. Pictured is the 2023 Gold Medal Winner, “Weeds” by Jeanette B Ferguson.
CONTRIBUTE­D “Watercolor Ohio 2024” will open Sept. 21 at the Middletown Arts Center. Pictured is the 2023 Gold Medal Winner, “Weeds” by Jeanette B Ferguson.
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