Hamilton Journal News

Biden marks anniversar­y of Violence Against Women Act

- By Colleen Long and Darlene Superville

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Thursday joined scores of advocates and survivors of domestic abuse to mark the 30th anniversar­y of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, a law he wrote and championed as a U.S. senator because he wanted to “change the culture of America” around the issue.

Biden said that back then “society often looked away” and that violence against women was not treated as a crime in many places. He said a national hotline was not available to those suffering abuse and few police department­s had what are now known as special victim units.

“My goal was to do more than change the law,” he said at a White House event marking Friday’s 30th anniversar­y of the law. He said his goal was “to change the culture of America” by providing more protection and support for survivors and accountabi­lity for perpetrato­rs.

“I believed the only way we could change the culture was by shining a light on that culture, and speaking its name,” he said.

Biden wrote and championed the legislatio­n as a U.S. senator. It was the first comprehens­ive federal law that addressed violence against women and sought to provide support and justice for survivors. It sought to shift the national narrative around domestic violence at the time; that it was a private matter best left alone.

The White House said that between 1993 and 2022, annual rates of domestic violence dropped by 67% and the rate of rapes and sexual assaults declined by 56%, according to FBI statistics. A national domestic violence hotline has fielded more than 7 million calls since 1996, Biden said.

“It matters. It saves lives,” he said Thursday.

During a hearing on domestic violence in 1990, Biden told the committee that “for too long, we have ignored the right of women to be free from the fear of attack based on their gender. For too long, we have kept silent about the obvious.”

He spent years advocating for the law, moved by horrible stories of domestic violence. Congress passed it in 1994 with bipartisan support. Then-President Bill Clinton signed it into law on Sept. 13, 1994.

“The Violence Against Women Act is my proudest legislativ­e achievemen­t,” Biden said at the event. It was attended by hundreds of people, including survivors of domestic violence, advocates, administra­tion officials and members of Congress.

The president also spoke about continued efforts to strengthen the law, including announcing that the Justice Department was awarding more than $690 million in grants, along with efforts to serve orders of protection electronic­ally and strategies to address online gender-based violence, a growing problem that law enforcemen­t struggles to combat.

Federal agencies also sent reminders on housing rights for survivors of domestic violence who live in federally funded homes, including that they can request emergency housing transfers.

The law was reaffirmed in 2022, but it almost didn’t happen. The sticking point was a provision in the last proposal, passed by the House in April 2019, that would have prohibited persons previously convicted of misdemeano­r stalking from possessing firearms.

Under current federal law, those convicted of domestic abuse can lose their guns if they are currently or formerly married to their victim, live with the victim, have a child together or are a victim’s parent or guardian. But the law doesn’t apply to stalkers and current or former dating partners. Advocates have long referred to it as the “boyfriend loophole.”

 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA / AP ?? President Joe Biden after speaking at the Violence Against Women Act 30th anniversar­y celebratio­n at the White House on Thursday. Biden called the law “my proudest legislativ­e achievemen­t.”
MANUEL BALCE CENETA / AP President Joe Biden after speaking at the Violence Against Women Act 30th anniversar­y celebratio­n at the White House on Thursday. Biden called the law “my proudest legislativ­e achievemen­t.”

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