Hamilton Journal News

Acton considerin­g 2026 run for governor

- By Jessie Balmert

CHICAGO — Former Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton is considerin­g a bid for governor in 2026.

Republican Lt. Gov. Jon Husted and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, among others, are already openly campaignin­g for governor to replace Gov. Mike DeWine, who is term-limited in 2026. But the Democratic contenders are less clear.

Acton served as DeWine’s health director during the COVID-19 pandemic, earning her praise from many Ohioans and scorn from others.

Three years later, Acton is staying in the political mix. She is attending the Democratic National Convention this week. She has done fundraisin­g events with Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar for Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and has another with “Veep” actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus coming up.

At the convention Tuesday, Acton said she’s mulling a political bid of her own. “Obviously, governor is something that I’ve learned a lot about,” Acton said. “I always am just really focused on how I can best be of service. Obviously, I’m not a politician. I used to joke that I’m the Ted Lasso of politics.”

Acton seriously considered a U.S. Senate bid in the 2022 race but ultimately decided against it. “I’m certain she has a role in public service in her future,” Brown said at the time.

Ohio Democratic Party Chair Liz Walters isn’t talking about 2026 gubernator­ial picks yet, but she spoke favorably of Acton.

“Amy’s been an incredible leader,” Walters said. “She has this persona that so many people around Ohio embraced and took comfort in during a really hard time.”

 ?? TONY DEJAK / AP ?? Former Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton is considerin­g a bid for governor in 2026. Acton served as DeWine’s health director during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TONY DEJAK / AP Former Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Amy Acton is considerin­g a bid for governor in 2026. Acton served as DeWine’s health director during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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