Hamilton Journal News

After years of delays, Biden takes 1st flight in new Marine One helicopter

- By Aamer Madhani and Zeke Miller

CHICAGO — President Joe Biden on Monday took his first flight aboard the modern VH-92A helicopter that serves as Marine One after years of delays to the program to replace the aging aircraft that carry the president and vice president.

Biden boarded the Sikorsky-made helicopter after arriving on Air Force One in Chicago, where he spoke Monday evening at the Democratic National Convention. The maiden presidenti­al voyage carried him from O’Hare Internatio­nal Airport to the parking lot of Chicago’s Soldier Field, often used as a landing zone for presidenti­al travel.

It marked a crucial milestone in a two-decade-long process to replace the Vietnam-era

helicopter­s that have been in use carrying presidents, in some cases, since the 1970s.

An initial effort to purchase new helicopter­s was kicked off by the Bush administra­tion in an effort to improve communicat­ions and mission capabiliti­es in the post-September 11, 2001 environmen­t, but it was scrapped by President Barack Obama after rampant cost overruns.

The new program was started by the Obama administra­tion, and the helicopter, branded the “Patriot” by its manufactur­er, made its public debut during the Trump administra­tion. But issues with the secure communicat­ions system on board — required so that the president can carry out classified conversati­ons and make military decisions in an emergency — as well as a tendency to scorch the White House South Lawn — led to years of delays to the program.

The Marine Corps reported last year that the communicat­ions issues had been resolved, but it was not clear whether modificati­ons to the exhaust system have eliminated the threat to the White House grass.

Marine Helicopter Squadron One, which operates the aircraft, has been using the VH-92 helicopter­s for several years in regular service, including test flights around Washington, D.C., and to carry White House staff and security personnel. The final VH-92A helicopter was delivered earlier this month, giving the USMC 21 operationa­l aircraft and two for testing. The total program cost for the 23 aircraft was about $5 billion.

The new helicopter­s are based on the commercial­ly-available Sikorsky S-92 and are larger and have longer range than the older VH-3D and VH-60N models.

 ?? STEPHANIE SCARBROUGH / AP ?? President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and others board a new Marine One at Chicago O’Hare Internatio­nal Airport on Monday. Biden flew to Chicago aboard the modern VH-92A helicopter.
STEPHANIE SCARBROUGH / AP President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and others board a new Marine One at Chicago O’Hare Internatio­nal Airport on Monday. Biden flew to Chicago aboard the modern VH-92A helicopter.

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