Hamilton Journal News

Woman charged in plot to extort Elvis’ family, auction off Graceland

- By Alanna Durkin Richer and Jonathan Mattise

WASHINGTON — A Missouri woman has been arrested on charges she orchestrat­ed a brazen scheme to defraud Elvis Presley’s family by trying to auction off his Graceland mansion and property before a judge halted the mysterious foreclosur­e sale, the Justice Department said Friday.

Lisa Jeanine Findley, 53, of Kimberling City, falsely claimed Presley’s daughter borrowed $3.8 million from a bogus private lender and had pledged Graceland as collateral for the loan before her death last year, prosecutor­s said. She then threatened to sell Graceland to the higher bidder if Presley’s family didn’t pay a $2.85 million settlement, according to authoritie­s.

Finley posed as three different people allegedly involved with the fake lender, fabricated loan documents, and published a fraudulent foreclosur­e notice in a Memphis newspaper announcing the auction of Graceland in May, prosecutor­s said. A judge stopped the sale after Presley’s granddaugh­ter sued.

Experts were baffled by the attempt to sell off one of the most storied pieces of real estate in the country using names, emails and documents that were quickly suspected to be phony.

Graceland opened as a museum and tourist attraction in 1982 and draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. A large Presley-themed entertainm­ent complex across the street from the museum is owned by Elvis Presley Enterprise­s. The announceme­nt of charges came on the 47th anniversar­y of Presley’s death at the age of 42.

“Ms. Findley allegedly took advantage of the very public and tragic occurrence­s in the Presley family as an opportunit­y to prey on the name and financial status of the heirs to the Graceland estate, attempting to steal what rightfully belongs to the Presley family for her personal gain,” said Eric Shen, inspector in charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Criminal Investigat­ions Group.

An attorney for Findley, who used multiple aliases, was not listed in court documents. A voicemail left with a phone number believed to be associated with Findley was not immediatel­y returned, nor was an email sent to an address prosecutor­s say she had used in the scheme.

She’s charged with mail fraud and aggravated identity theft. The mail fraud charge carries up to 20 years in prison. She remained in custody after a brief federal court appearance in Missouri, according to court papers.

In May, a public notice for a foreclosur­e sale of the 13-acre estate said Promenade Trust, which controls the Graceland museum, owes $3.8 million after failing to repay a 2018 loan. Riley Keough, Presley’s granddaugh­ter and an actor, inherited the trust and ownership of the home after the death of her mother, Lisa

Marie Presley, last year. An attorney for Keough didn’t immediatel­y respond to a message seeking comment on Friday.

Keough filed a lawsuit claiming fraud, and a judge halted the proposed auction with an injunction. Naussany Investment­s and Private Lending — the bogus lender authoritie­s now say Findley created — said Lisa Marie Presley had used Graceland as collateral for the loan, according to the foreclosur­e sale notice. Keough’s lawsuit alleged that Naussany presented fraudulent documents regarding the loan in September 2023 and that Lisa Maria Presley never borrowed money from Naussany.

Kimberly Philbrick, the notary whose name is listed on Naussany’s documents, indicated she never met Lisa Marie Presley nor notarized any documents for her, according to the estate’s lawsuit. The judge said the notary’s affidavit brings into question “the authentici­ty of the signature.”

The judge in May halted the foreclosur­e sale of the beloved Memphis tourist attraction, saying Elvis Presley’s estate could be successful in arguing that a company’s attempt to auction Graceland was fraudulent.

 ?? MARK HUMPHREY / AP 2011 ?? Lisa Jeanine Findley threatened to sell Graceland to the higher bidder if Elvis Presley’s family didn’t pay a $2.85 million settlement.
MARK HUMPHREY / AP 2011 Lisa Jeanine Findley threatened to sell Graceland to the higher bidder if Elvis Presley’s family didn’t pay a $2.85 million settlement.
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