Hamilton Journal News

Dating app creator gives some tips

- Send a great hint to: Heloise Box 795001 San Antonio, TX 78279-5001 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE

Dear Heloise: A few years ago, I started an online dating app for people who are looking to meet someone nice, whether it’s for anything from friendship to marriage. We’re not a big company, but so far, we’ve been successful.

Women seem to be rather honest. Some shave off a few pounds, but for the most part, they are sincere. So, these hints are mainly for men, who’ve been known to shed a decade off of their age and use a blurry photo of them that was taken around 2010:

■ Get a haircut. A nice shirt (no Hawaiian prints) in a solid color will show you off to your best advantage. If you have facial hair, make sure that it’s trimmed and neat. By the way, most women aren’t fond of comb-overs, but that’s up to you.

■ Make certain that your photo was taken within 16 months of the day you post it online. If you don’t have a current photograph of yourself,

e someone use a cellphone to take a picture of you, then post it. Women like to see you, and you’re probably better looking than you think. And remember to smile! A nice, natural, friendly smile goes a long way.

■ If you have a pet, include them in at least one or two photos. Studies show that women like men with a dog, a cat, and other little pets. They feel it shows a tender, sweeter side to a man.

■ Relax, just be yourself, and above all, always be honest with a lady. Somehow they usually know when you’re lying. In our last survey, the majority of women weren’t looking for wealth or George Clooney’s doppelgang­er. They just wanted an honest, hardworkin­g man who appreciate­s them and enjoys going out occasional­ly. So, be that man! — Frank M., Encino, California

Dirt remover

Dear Heloise: I would love to see someone invent some sort of device that automatica­lly removes dirt and debris from the bottom of our shoes before entering the house. It would be such a time-saver for me! — Debbie, Waterbury, Connecticu­t

Debbie, I’d love an invention like this, too. Many of my readers will keep slippers by the door that people put on once they’re inside. They refer to them as their “indoor shoes.” This keeps their floors nice and considerab­ly cleaner. — Heloise

Rental emergencie­s

Dear Heloise: When staying at a rental property,

ays know the physical address in case of an emergency. We had a recent emergency and could not give the ambulance the address of the place where we were staying, so we had to spend precious time describing the location of the cottage. Those who rent a property should display the address in a prominent location for the same reason. — J., in Connecticu­t

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Heloise Household Hints

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