Hamilton Journal News

Why haven’t Ohio recreation­al marijuana sales started yet?

- By Haley BeMiller Columbus Dispatch

Over 100 Ohio medical cannabis dispensari­es are on their way to selling recreation­al marijuana — but they still have a few boxes to check before sales can begin.

The Division of Cannabis Control began accepting applicatio­ns last month from medical marijuana businesses that want to participat­e in the adultuse market. Ohioans voted last year to legalize recreation­al marijuana for adults 21 and older, but the licensing process for operators couldn’t begin until the division finalized those rules.

As of Thursday, the state had issued 112 provisiona­l dual-use licenses to dispensari­es and 78 to either cultivator­s, processors or testing labs. Businesses with a provisiona­l license must do the following before regulators grant final approval:

■ Notify local officials and law enforcemen­t.

■ Train employees.

■ Ensure security equipment is up to date and meets state standards.

Dispensari­es must also pass a test to show they can properly distinguis­h and sell medical and adultuse products.

It’s unclear how long the process could take. Some industry officials initially predicted a June or early July launch, but that timeframe already passed. Division of Cannabis Control spokesman Jamie Crawford said the turnaround depends on how quickly applicants can meet the various requiremen­ts.

Business owners still expect recreation­al sales at existing dispensari­es to begin sometime this summer. The state is required by law to approve dual-use licenses for medical marijuana operators by September.

Dispensari­es will likely be busy in the weeks after they launch recreation­al sales, but many have increased staffing to meet the demand, Cresco Labs spokesman Jason Erkes said.

“The state has been running this at lightning-fast speed compared to other launches — provisiona­l licenses a week after applicatio­ns were submitted is unheard of,” Erkes said.

“This is a big effort with a lot of compliance and regulatory requiremen­ts and while it might seem like hurry up and wait, I know the Commerce Department wants to make sure it’s done right instead of done quickly.”

Separately, the Division of Cannabis Control has received nearly 200 applicatio­ns for new dispensari­es known as 10(B) licenses. Under the law passed last year, large cultivator­s can apply for three dispensary licenses at new locations, while smaller growers get one.

Medical dispensari­es that aren’t affiliated with a cultivator or processor are eligible for another dispensary license.

Those stores will take more time to get off the ground, potentiall­y not opening until sometime next year.

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