Hamilton Journal News

Butler County Historical Society names new executive director

- By Amy Burzynski Staff Writer

The Butler County Historical Society (BCHS) announced the appointmen­t of Brian Smith as the society’s new executive director. He replaces Kathy Creighton, who retired June 29, after serving as executive director for the last 14 years.

Smith joined the BCHS

B o a r d o f Trustees in 2015 and was elected pres- ident of the society in 2018, serving in the position until 2020. After a man- dated year off, he rejoined the board before accepting the position as the society’s operations manager in 2022. He has been responsibl­e for working with the inventory of the museum’s collection, managing the society’s social media, maintainin­g mem- bership records, organiz- ing exhibits and making pre- sentations. He was responsi- ble for overseeing the resto- ration of the Civil War battle flag of the 35th Ohio Volun- teer Infantry currently on display at the society.

Diane Morrissey has been hired to be the society’s new administra­tive assistant in the museum. She will be responsibl­e for maintainin­g the society’s membership records as well as manag- ing social media and work- ing with the inventory of the museum’s collection. She is a charter member of the Ross Twp. Historical Society and a long-time member of the BCHS. She has more than 12 years of experience conduct- ing genealogy research and is interested in local history.

The Butler County Histor- ical Society, incorporat­ed in 1948, is a private non-profit formed in 1934 to preserve and promote the history of Butler County through the collection and conservati­on of artifacts and the sharing of knowledge through education and community engagement. It owns and operates the Benninghof­en House Museum at 327 N. 2nd St., Hamilton. The society also manages the Soldiers, Sailors and Pioneers Monument on Front Street and the McCloskey Wonder Works Museum at Heritage Hall located in the 1935 City Hall building on High Street.

 ?? ?? Brian Smith
Brian Smith

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