Hamilton Journal News

Ohio launches ‘one-stop shop’ to help police recruit and retain officers

- By London Bishop Staff Writer

JobsOhio and the Ohio Department of Public Safety launched a new online tool this week with the goal of connecting police department­s in dire need of officers with prospectiv­e job candidates.

The new tool was unveiled at an event Tuesday in Vandalia with Ohio Lt.. Gov. Jon Husted and state and local law enforcemen­t officials.

In surveying sheriffs and police chiefs in 2021 and 2022, law enforcemen­t leadership’s biggest concern was their ability — or inability — to recruit and retain new tal- ent, said Andy Wilson, Direc- tor of the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

Additional­ly, many smaller department­s don’t have the staff to have dedicated recruiters to solve this problem, Wilson said.

The website is intended to ease the workload, particular­ly on local and smaller department­s to recruit and retain officers, as well as “to actually help applicants better understand and better prepare for a career in law enforcemen­t,” Wilson said.

The OhioMeansJ­obs site creates a “one stop shop” for both applicants and Ohio police department­s looking to recruit them, Wilson said. Applicants can search for jobs by town, by agency, or by geographic­al region, and access interview tips and other resources for becoming a law enforce- ment officer.

“It gives individual­s one site to go to where they can look for jobs, versus going to individual department­s and looking at their web- sites,” said Vandalia Police Chief Kurt Althouse. “We’re always searching for people locally, but also from other rience, and training that’s been invested in that indi- vidual,” he said. “And so it’s constantly looking for new, energetic, motivated young people who want to step into those roles.”

Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck said his department has well over 500 employees, and vacan- cies “larger than most police department­s,” making the site a very welcome tool.

“Our community overwhelmi­ngly supports local law enforcemen­t. I understand it’s not that way everywhere. But everybody in this room, for the most part, has support from their local communitie­s,” Streck said. “Despite what some would like to think, this is still, as people have said, a very noble profession. It is a needed profession.”

“Serving in the military and serving as a law enforcemen­t official, I believe, are among the most noble things a person can do,” said Husted. “Because in those jobs, they are sacrificin­g potentiall­y their own lives for the protection of others. They are willing to make those kinds of sacrifices every day.”

“From an economic developmen­t point of view ... if you want to have a prosperous community, you need the men and women of law enforcemen­t to keep your community safe, and to send a message to the criminal element: go somewhere else,” Husted added.

 ?? LONDON BISHOP / STAFF ?? Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted (left) and Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck (center) speak during Ohio Means Jobs announceme­nt of its Law Enforcemen­t Career portal.
LONDON BISHOP / STAFF Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted (left) and Montgomery County Sheriff Rob Streck (center) speak during Ohio Means Jobs announceme­nt of its Law Enforcemen­t Career portal.

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