Hamilton Journal News

Saving up loose bills for college

- Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to Heloise@ Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints received in my column.

Dear Heloise:

I wanted to start an education fund for my first granddaugh­ter. I started saving all

y $1 and $5 bills in a box. Over time, I would add $10 or $20 if I had extra. It became a game of paying for things in cash to get change for the box.

I had one rule: If I needed to borrow from the box because I needed cash, I would have to put in more than I borrowed. I have saved $3,000 over three years. — Liz Ziegler, via email

Vegan soup idea

Dear Heloise: Recently a couple of readers wrote to you for suggestion­s for soups, as they were opening a restaurant and wanted soup options.

May I suggest at least one vegan soup, which could also be the vegetable soup? (Not all vegetable soups are vegan.)

If beans or peas are added for protein, as well as plenty of vegetables and tomatoes, the soup can be delicious, and anyone can have it. I like to put curry and other spices in mine, and I often use coconut milk. — Richard, in Southern California

Sound off on wedding music

Dear Heloise: I recently attended a beautiful wedding and reception. Two D Js played the music. The bride and groom provided the playlist. Unfortunat­ely, the music was so loud that older guests had to leave the room in order to visit with family and friends, while the younger generation jumped up and down to the music.

The D Js never took a break, nor did they mix in a variety of styles so that older family members and friends would have a chance to dance. My suggestion to future brides and grooms is that a variety of music styles be played so every guest can enjoy dancing. —

Joan Dignacco, Bantam, Connecticu­t

Hanging baskets

Dear Heloise: I found an easy way to transport hanging flower baskets: I simply hang them from the hooks above each back door of my vehicle. No spilled dirt or damaged flowers. — Karen Brooks, via email

Pet pal

Dear Heloise: Leo, who was adopted two years ago, is energetic and always ready for play. Here he is playing peekaboo. He’s brought immense happiness to our home. — Maria Monroy, Bronx, New York

Readers, to see Leo and our other Pet Pals, go to Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” Do you have a furry friend to share with our readers? Send a photo and a brief descriptio­n to Heloise@ Heloise.com.

— Heloise

 ?? ?? Heloise Household Hints
Heloise Household Hints

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