Hamilton Journal News

Get paint off skin without a hassle

- SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise Box 795001 San Antonio, TX 78279-5001 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE

Dear Heloise: We bought a new place and we’ve been busy painting the walls. I don’t mind painting, but I had a difficult time getting paint off my skin. I found that using hand lotion before and after I paint helps to get the paint off. I don’t have to scrub. I also use latex gloves now, and it makes my life a lot easier! — Ava N., Gulfport, Mississipp­i

The mighty egg

Dear Heloise: According to studies conducted by the United States Department of Agricultur­e, a large chicken egg contains: 70 calories, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbs. As small as eggs are, they still pack a rich source of vitamins and minerals, especially the yolks. They’re an important source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and choline, which has the function of helping our bodies convert food into energy.

If you enjoy eggs and eat them frequently, you might notice your nails and hair getting stronger, and they aid improvemen­t of your skin as well. Since eggs contain a rich amount of amino acids, they improve the pliability of your skin.

Choline in eggs is believed to help establish cell membranes and protect neurotrans­mitters in our bodies. This means that they help you with memory, mood and even muscle control.

The lutein and zeaxanthin found in eggs are very important for eye health. Research shows that they play a part in lowering age-related eye diseases.

If you have high cholestero­l levels, you should check with your doctor about how many eggs you should consume each week, because eggs contain cholestero­l. However, if your doctor gives you the green light to eat eggs, you’ll enjoy their health benefits, their taste and the many ways you can prepare them. — Cheryl G., Kenosha, Wisconsin

Taking a step up

Dear Heloise: My beloved golden retriever, Izzy, loved to go to the park and go on rides in the car. But as she aged, it became exceedingl­y difficult for her to jump into the SUV.

72 pounds, I could not lift her, so she needed a step up. Instead of purchasing an expensive, special stairstep for her at the pet store, I took a plastic storage tub, removed the lid, and flipped it over, giving her the perfect height for the first step that she could reach. She could then take the next step right up into the backseat.

The tub was lightweigh­t, wasn’t cumbersome, and also served a second purpose in my SUV. I stored the tub in the back of my vehicle, where it keeps my grocery and shopping bags neatly contained so they don’t spill or roll around in the back of my vehicle. — D.P., in Texas

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