Hamilton Journal News

Biden draws sharp contrast with Trump on obeying rule of law

- By Colleen Long and Will Weissert

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden warned Monday that a Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity from prosecutio­n would make an unchecked Republican Donald Trump “more emboldened to do whatever he wants” if he regains the White House in November’s election.

Biden, under intense pressure after his disastrous debate performanc­e against Trump last week, urged Americans to think carefully about their election decision and signaled he had no intention of dropping out of the race.

Criticizin­g the decision by the court’s conservati­ve majority — which all but guarantees Trump will not face trial in Washington ahead of the November election over his actions during the violent riot on Jan. 6, 2021 — Biden said it now fell to the American people “to do what the courts should have been willing to do but will not.

“The American people have to render judgment about Donald Trump’s behavior.”

Biden’s efforts to reset his campaign following the debate, which spooked donors and stirred up major Democratic anxiety, has been looking a lot like his past attempts to keep the focus squarely on Trump’s misdeeds and shortcomin­gs. During his brief remarks Monday, he made no mention of last week’s debate or his performanc­e, and did not take questions, delivering an unusually political message from the White House.

“I know I will respect the limits of presidenti­al power as I have for the three-and-a-half years, but any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law,” Biden said.

Biden seemed relaxed and confident, striking a clear and crisp tone and looking tanned and rested — all of which was in stark contrast to his often halting performanc­e during last week’s debate, when his face was notably pale. The president also had the benefit of a teleprompt­er for his remarks about the court, something he didn’t have while facing off with Trump.

There have been private discussion­s in Biden’s camp on what more the president could do to counteract what Americans saw during the debate, when he gave convoluted answers, trailed off at times, occasional­ly stared blankly and sounded raspy-voiced. The talks have included questions about whether Biden should be seen more in public through town-hall-style events or interviews and press conference­s, which he has generally avoided during his time in office.

But most in his orbit are waiting on more substantia­l polling to come back in order to assess how bad the damage was before altering course in any substantia­l way. That’s according to four Biden advisers.

Biden’s team may not alter anything at all. Many think — or hope — the fraught moment will pass, particular­ly after Biden’s family encouraged him to stay in the race and keep fighting during a huddle at Camp David on Sunday.

Campaign officials said they had nothing to announce on new events. They said Biden would be campaignin­g as he has been, hitting battlegrou­nd states as he has already been doing for months.

An ad released Monday was called “I Know” using clips from Biden’s post-debate North Carolina rally, where he said, “When you get knocked down, you get back up.”

Quentin Fulks, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager, put the focus on Trump in a call with reporters, saying, “When you do see President Biden out on the trail, he will be talking about the reasons why Americans should be scared of Donald Trump, as he has been for months.”

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN / AP ?? President Joe Biden arrives in Washington on Monday. Biden on Monday criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling granting presidents broad legal immunity.
JACQUELYN MARTIN / AP President Joe Biden arrives in Washington on Monday. Biden on Monday criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling granting presidents broad legal immunity.

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