Hamilton Journal News

Store important info in your phone

- Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to Heloise@ Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints in my column.

Dear Heloise:

A few days ago, I read a hint in your column about always carrying your prescripti­on informatio­n in case of an emergency. I made a sheet with my husband’s info (including his list of medication­s and surgical history), and I took a picture of it. I also took a picture of our passports, driver’s licenses, and medical insurance cards. This way, they’re all in my phone and always with me. I don’t carry a purse, but I always have my phone.

Thanks for all that you do! — Mary Vaughan, Leesburg, Florida

Old yearbooks

Dear Heloise: While recently touring the extensive collection at the Genealogy Center at our local library, I learned that they will accept any high school or college yearbook from across the nation.

Isn’t this a great way to extend the life of old yearbooks and help people connect with their past? They are on display to help anyone who is searching for their family ancestry.

Anyone doing research can visit the archives — no library card required. Books that are just collecting dust on a shelf can be mailed to: The Genealogy Center at

Allen County Public Library, P.O. Box 2270, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. — Cathy Falk, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Help for animal shelters

Dear Heloise: Another way you can help the local animal shelter is to donate your newspapers. The staff needs the newspapers to keep the temporary animal homes sanitary and clean. I collect them from friends and neighbors, and every so often, I make a trip to the shelter. Each time, an animal officer comes out to help me unload the newspapers. They are more than thankful.

We need a great outreach to help animals who are waiting for their new home. — Sue Knapp, Quartz Hill, California

Preserving photos

Dear Heloise: I have a suggestion for preserving pictures or even contracts: Pictures developed from film will deteriorat­e over time, as do yellow copies of contracts and documents. So, I scan pictures and save them on my computer. When I sign a receipt for work done in my home, I also scan the top white page and print it for my files.

Switching the subject, I have a complaint about the pull tabs on cans. At 87, I find it difficult to open them. A lot of the cans can’t even be opened with a can opener, and I recently cut my hand on one. They are not user-friendly. — M.J., in New Hampshire

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Heloise Household Hints

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