Hamilton Journal News

Best tips to ensure families have a fun Fourth of July celebratio­n

- Dayton Children’s Hospital Dayton Children’s Hospital is dedicated to the relentless pursuit of optimal health for every child within our reach. To connect with Dayton Children’s, go online to www. childrensd­ayton.org.

Summer is in full swing and many families are planning activities to celebrate the season. Whether preparing for backyard barbecue with neighbors, cooling off in the pool or experienci­ng fireworks, safety should always come first.

Here are essential tips to keep your family safe during popular summer activities.

Fireworks safety

Enjoy fireworks more knowing your family is safe. If lighting fireworks at home, check local laws first. If fireworks are legal where you live then follow these tips:

Kids should never play with fireworks including firecracke­rs, rockets, and sparklers.

Buy only legal fireworks with labels and directions.

Never make your own fireworks.

Use fireworks outside with a bucket of water and a hose nearby.

Never throw or point fireworks at anyone.

Don’t hold fireworks in your hand or over your body while lighting. Wear eye protection and avoid carrying fireworks in your pocket.

Don’t allow kids to pick up pieces after a display.

Fireworks can cause burns and eye injuries. The safest way to enjoy them is at public displays handled by profession­als.

Pool safety

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends swim lessons for kids to prevent drowning. When your family is in and around water, remember the following tips:

Dedicate a “water watcher” — an adult who watches children in the water without distractio­ns. Trade off every 15 minutes to avoid fatigue.

Don’t rely on “floaties” as they provide a false sense of security.

Never let kids swim alone. Keep young children within arm’s reach and ensure older kids and adults have a buddy.

For large pools, install gates or barriers with locks. For smaller pools, drain after each use.

Grill safety

Grilling is a delicious summer tradition but can pose safety threats to children. Keep these tips in mind at your next backyard barbecue:

Position the grill away from siding, deck railings and overhangin­g branches. Ensure it’s away from play areas and foot traffic.

Remove grease or fat buildup in trays below the grill to prevent ignition.

Keep children and pets away from the grill by declaring a 3-foot “kid-free zone.”

Never leave the grill unattended while cooking, as unattended cooking is a leading cause of residentia­l fires.

Bonfire safety

Bonfires are a favorite summer activity for many. Follow these tips from the National Park Service the next time you have a family s’mores night around the fire:

Check weather conditions to ensure it isn’t too windy for a fire.

Clear brush and debris from around the fire area.

Space seating at least 6 feet from the fire.

Supervise children around the fire and don’t allow running near it.

At the end of the night, douse hot coals with water and ensure all flames are extinguish­ed before leaving.

We hope you have a fun, safe start to summer!

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