Hamilton Journal News

Bannon surrenders to federal prison to serve 4-month sentence

- By Susan Haigh and Lindsay Whitehurst

DANBURY, Conn. — Longtime Donald Trump ally Steve Bannon was taken into custody Monday after surrenderi­ng at a federal prison to begin a four-month sentence on contempt charges for defying a subpoena in the congressio­nal investigat­ion into the U.S. Capitol attack.

Bannon arrived at the Federal Correction­al Institutio­n in Danbury, Connecticu­t, around noon and was formally taken into federal custody, the Bureau of Prisons said.

Speaking to reporters, Bannon called himself a “political prisoner,” said former President Trump was “very supportive” of him and slammed Democrats, including Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“I am proud of going to prison,” Bannon said, adding he was “standing up to the Garland corrupt DO J.”

Shortly before he arrived to surrender, a small group of supporters gathered on the side of the road outside the prison. They cheered as Bannon and GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia spoke during a news conference, holding up flags and signs supporting Bannon as a small group of protesters shouted, “Lock him up!” and “traitor!”

The crowd was rowdy, often breaking into chants of, “USA!” A supporter of President Joe Biden taunted Bannon by yelling “traitor” while Trump supporters tried to shout her down. Police had to stop traffic to allow the black SUV that Bannon was riding in to pull out of a church parking lot where Bannon’s supporters had gathered.

A judge had allowed Bannon to stay free for nearly two years while he appealed but ordered him to report to prison Monday after an appeals court panel upheld his contempt of Congress conviction­s. The Supreme Court on Friday rejected his last-minute appeal to stave off his sentence.

A jury found Bannon guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit for a deposition with the Jan. 6 House Committee and a second for refusing to provide documents related to his involvemen­t in the Republican ex-president’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Biden.

Defense attorneys have argued the case raises issues that should be examined by the Supreme Court, including Bannon’s previous lawyer’s belief that the subpoena was invalid because Trump had asserted executive privilege. Prosecutor­s, though, say Bannon had left the White House years before and Trump had never invoked executive privilege in front of the committee.

Bannon’s appeal will continue to play out, and Republican House leaders have put their support behind stepping in to assert the Jan. 6 committee was improperly created, effectivel­y trying to deem the subpoena Bannon received as illegitima­te.

Another Trump aide, trade adviser Peter Navarro, has also been convicted of contempt of Congress. He reported to prison in March to serve his four-month sentence after the Supreme Court refused his bid to delay the sentence.

Bannon is also facing criminal charges in New York state court alleging he duped donors who gave money to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Bannon has pleaded not guilty to money laundering, conspiracy, fraud and other charges, and that trial has been postponed until at least the end of September.

 ?? JULIA NIKHINSON / AP ?? Steve Bannon arrives to speak outside Danbury Federal Correction­al Institutio­n, Monday in Danbury, Conn. “I am proud of going to prison,” Bannon said.
JULIA NIKHINSON / AP Steve Bannon arrives to speak outside Danbury Federal Correction­al Institutio­n, Monday in Danbury, Conn. “I am proud of going to prison,” Bannon said.

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