Hamilton Journal News

French far right works to turn election wins into power

- By John Leicester, Sylvie Corbet and Barbara Surk

PARIS — With the ultimate outcome still up in the air, France’s fiercely anti-immigratio­n National Rally and opponents of the long-taboo far-right party scrambled Monday to capitalize on an indecisive first round of voting in surprise legislativ­e elections.

Round 1 on Sunday propelled the National Rally closer than ever to government but also left open the possibilit­y that voters could yet block its path to power in the decisive Round 2. France now faces two likely scenarios in what promises to be a torrid last week of high-stakes campaignin­g.

Strengthen­ed by a surge of support that made it the winner but not yet the overall victor, the National Rally and its allies could secure a working majority in parliament in the final round next Sunday.

Or they could fall short, stymied at the last hurdle by opponents who still hope to prevent the formation of France’s first far-right government since World War II.

Both scenarios are fraught with uncertaint­y for France and its influence in Europe and beyond.

Getting 289 or more lawmakers in the 577-seat National Assembly would give National Rally leader Marine Le Pen an absolute majority and the tools to force President Emmanuel Macron to accept her 28-year-old protege, Jordan Bardella, as France’s new prime minister.

Such a power-sharing arrangemen­t between Bardella and the centrist president would be awkward and invite conflict. Macron has said he will not step down before his second term expires in 2027.

Getting close to 289 seats might also work for Le Pen. By promising posts in the government, she may win over enough new lawmakers to her side.

A National Rally government in France would be an additional triumph for far-right and populist parties elsewhere in Europe that have steadily carved out places in the political mainstream and taken power in some countries, including populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Hungary. He will hold the European Union’s rotating presidency for the next six months.

But the first round of the French vote was also sufficient­ly undecided to offer up the alternativ­e possibilit­y that France’s complex, two-round system could also leave no single bloc with a clear and workable majority.

That would plunge France into unknown territory.

However, Le Pen’s opponents still view that scenario as more appealing than victory for her party, which has a history of racism, xenophobia, antisemiti­sm and hostility toward France’s Muslims — as well as historical ties to Russia and a more adversaria­l attitude toward the EU.

Candidates who qualified for Round 2 have until 6 p.m. Tuesday to decide whether to stay in the race or withdraw. By pulling out, opponents of the National Rally might divert votes to other candidates better positioned to beat the far right next Sunday.

Some candidates announced of their own accord that they were stepping aside, making a defeat of the National Rally their top riority. In other cases, party leaders set the direction, saying they would withdraw candidates in some districts in hopes of blocking Le Pen’s path to power. She inherited her party, then called the National Front, from her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has multiple conviction­s for racist and antisemiti­c hate speech.

Overall, the National Rally and its allies won a third of the nationwide vote Sunday, official results showed. The New Popular Front, a new left-wing coalition of parties that joined together to beat the far right, got 28% and was followed in third place by Macron’s centrist camp with 20%. But the 577 seats are elected by districts. So while nationwide results provide an overall picture of how each camp fared, they do not indicate exactly how many seats they will get in the end.

 ?? THIBAULT CAMUS / AP ?? French far-right leader Marine Le Pen reacts as she meets supporters and journalist­s after the release of projection­s based on the actual vote count in select constituen­cies, in HeninBeaum­ont, northern France, on Sunday.
THIBAULT CAMUS / AP French far-right leader Marine Le Pen reacts as she meets supporters and journalist­s after the release of projection­s based on the actual vote count in select constituen­cies, in HeninBeaum­ont, northern France, on Sunday.

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