Hamilton Journal News

Lagued by porch pirates


Today’s Sound Off is about porch pirates and mailbox burglars:

Dear Heloise: I got very tired of porch pirates who steal my packages, and I decided to do something about it. I bought a metal sign that said, “Smile! You’re on a hidden camera.” I put it up where the porch pirates usually steal items. I also had a doorbell camera installed. I don’t know if the thieves knew they were being recorded or not, but it helped the police identify them.

As if that wasn’t enough, we started having people who roamed our streets and were rummaging through mailboxes to find checks or just about anything that they could steal. They stole checks mailed from banks, credit cards, and even clothing that had been sent from stores.

I now have all important packages or mail sent to my office, where our receptioni­st keeps it safe for me. — Carla D., Detroit

Carla, I’m glad you were able to figure out a solution. Last year, there were 144 million victims of porch pirates, with an estimated value of $7.4 billion lost to porch pirates.

Readers, if your packages have been stolen:

■ Track the package through the store or shipping company.

■ Check with neighbors to see if they received the package by mistake or are holding onto it for you.

■ Contact the retailer and shipping company to see if it went out or if they made an incorrect delivery.

■ File a shipping company claim.

■ Notify the police and your insurance company if the package was worth over $500.

To avoid package theft:

■ Receive all packages in person.

■ Use a lockbox service. Many grocery stores, convenienc­e stores, mailbox stores, or some gas stations have lockboxes for mail and package deliveries.

■ Install security cameras. You might frighten some thieves off, and you’ll have proof of theft for the police.

■ Have packages delivered to your place of business if they allow it. — Heloise

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