Hamilton Journal News

Witnesses who saw van crash into house included 911 caller who was in pursuit

- By Lauren Pack Staff Writer

Middletown dispatcher­s got multiple calls Wednesday evening from residents who witnessed a minivan run into a house after first hitting a car.

The van crashed into a house in the 4000 block of Central Avenue across from Curryer Road, west of Breiel Boulevard, at about 5:10 p.m. When police and fire arrived, both the house and the vehicle were on fire, and the occupants of the van were gone.

A female who said she has been hit by the minivan said she was trying to follow as it fled, but “he is so fast.”

“I just got hit, he wouldn’t stop so I am following him,” the caller said. “I don’t know what to do, my car is so ruined, and this guy is going almost 100 mph in residentia­l areas.”

The dispatcher was asking for a location and a license plate number when the caller screamed, “Oh my

God he went into a house ... they are jumping out. They ran.”

Another woman then took the phone from the hysterical caller and told the dispatcher she saw the crash while sitting in the garage and saw two males run from the smoking wreckage.

According to witnesses and a preliminar­y investigat­ion, the van was traveling recklessly south on Curryer and hit another vehicle. Police said the van fled that crash, speeding away, losing control and hitting the house.

All in the van ran away, but a passenger has been found by officers, according to Deputy Chief Earl Nelson. The search continues for others, including the driver.

A person in the residence was transporte­d to the hospital with non-life-threatenin­g injuries.

Anyone with informatio­n about the incident is asked to contact the Middletown Division of Police at 513-425-7700.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? A minivan crashed into a Central Avenue house and then caught fire Wednesday evening in Middletown. Police caught one passenger, but the search continues for the driver.
CONTRIBUTE­D A minivan crashed into a Central Avenue house and then caught fire Wednesday evening in Middletown. Police caught one passenger, but the search continues for the driver.

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